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How to Get Dog Pee Out of Carpet, Including Smells & Stains | Pupford

March 28th, 2024

Filed under Pet Parenting

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In this article, I'm going to talk about how to get dog pee smell out of carpet and, more importantly, tips for potty training your puppy or dog to prevent incidents.

Because let's face it, you're probably all too familiar with that smell -- the smell that tells you that your puppy had an accident while you were gone.

What’s worse is when you don’t see any puddles. Which could only mean, much to your dismay, the deed was done on your carpet.

So, let's dive right into the best ways to get dog pee out of carpet!

Check out this table of contents to see what we’ll cover today.

  • Preventing puppy accidents
    • Potty training tips
    • Puppy proofing your house
  • Cleaning tips for getting dog pee smell out of carpet
    • How to get rid of dog pee smell
    • How to get rid of dog pee stains
    • Treating old stains

Otherwise, let’s jump right into it from the top!

Related Reading: How to Keep a House Clean with Dogs, Including Floors



Of course, it’s best to prevent accidents rather than worry about cleaning them up. And let's be clear, that is probably one of the biggest benefits of crate training your puppy!

While potty training may seem challenging with young dogs, it’s a super important part of raising a good boy or girl. Plus, it means fewer messes you’ll have to clean up.


Here are some of our tried-and-true tips for making puppy potty training a bit easier:

  • Be consistent. Keep your puppy on a regular feeding and walking schedule, with the first walk being as soon as they wake up.
  • Take your dog to the same spots each walk to build the habit and establish scent.
  • Understand how your dog’s breed and size can impact training. Smaller breeds have smaller bladders, so they may need more frequent bathroom breaks.
  • Reward your dog for going potty outside. Positive reinforcement training really works -- here’s why.
  • Know the common signs that your dog needs to go: whining, circling, sniffing, barking, and scratching at the door are common tells. You can even work on potty bell training to help with this!

For even more tips for training dogs of all ages, check out the 30 Day Perfect Pup class with Zak George.



Accidents still might happen during training, so puppy proofing your house is a good way to limit the damage.

While puppy proofing your house can be its own topic of discussion entirely, there are a few tips you can keep in mind while your dog is still training:

  • Limit freedom as a puppy. Given too much freedom, young pups can become easily overwhelmed. Plus, they are not yet totally sure of what their surroundings are. Do you expect an infant to know where the toilet is? No, so you shouldn’t expect the same from a puppy.
  • Limit their access to a confined space, preferably one with no carpet so messes can be easily cleaned up.
  • Utilize crate training. Crate training is a great way to limit freedom while giving your dog a place of his/her own to feel comfortable when you’re not home.
  • Don’t let your dog get bored. Idle paws are the devil’s playthings! Give your pup a dog chew to keep them busy when you’re not home (but always supervise them when first introducing a new chew!). While this may not stop your dog from having to go potty, it might occupy them enough to wait it out until you get home.

While potty training and puppy proofing give you the best shot at keeping your carpets clean, we know that accidents are still bound to happen with puppies.

So for that… ⤵️



We know that cleaning up after your pup is not on your list of favorite things to do, so we have some tips to make it as quick and stain-free of a process as possible.

And keep in mind, the quicker you can catch an accident and clean it up, the better!


Here are some tips for cleaning up dog urine that can help eliminate the smell:

  • Soak up as much urine as quickly as possible using a paper towel. Be sure to blot downward but not outward so you don’t spread the urine to more of the carpet.
  • Use an enzymatic cleaner that breaks down urine molecules to eliminate odors. Make sure whatever cleaner you use is pet-friendly, like Pupford's Oops Eraser Enzymatic Cleaner. Or...
  • Go the natural route. Sprinkle baking soda over the damp area and let it sit a few hours (overnight is best) to absorb the odor, then vacuum it up.
  • Keep the area dry. Urine orders are strongest when damp. Use a fan or open windows to increase air circulation and help the spot dry.

If you can’t find the source of the smell, use a blacklight. It will illuminate the spot so you can see where the lingering smell is coming from.

Have any other DIY miracle cleaning solutions? Tell us about them in the comments at the end of the article 🙌

Related: Getting Dog Smell Out of Your House


tips-for-getting-pee-stains-out-of-carpet | Pupford

Even if you clean up the spot as quickly as you can, there’s still a chance that it will leave a stain.

If there is still a mark on your carpet after it’s been cleaned and dried (there likely won't be if you use Oops Eraser...), you can try the following:

  • Use a 1:1 solution of white vinegar and water. Pour it on the stain, work it deeply into your carpet with a scrub brush, then blot with a paper towel. Sprinkle the area with baking soda.
  • Use a solution of dishwashing detergent and water to scrub the stain again. Add hydrogen peroxide for an extra boost.
  • Vacuum the area once dry.
  • Repeat if the stain remains.

These methods will work best on fresh stains, so try to clean the area ASAP.


If you find there is still a lingering smell, there may be an old spot or stain.

Before you resort to ripping your whole carpet up, have hope! There are ways to remove old pet urine stains from your carpet.

Options include:

  • Wet vacuuming with cool water (high temperatures can further bond the urine to fabric).
  • Mixing warm water and dishwashing detergent in a spray bottle and spray the stain, using either a paper towel or shop-vac to dry the area.

Often, you’ll need to repeat a combination of these techniques a few times to completely remove the stain.

Use your blacklight to find additional spots that aren’t visible, to make sure you remove all the urine from the carpet.

If none of those methods work, you may need to look into some professional carpet cleaning. Or, replacing the carpet, but let's hope that isn't the case!


While preventing messes through training and limiting access to carpeted areas is best, accidents can still happen -- that’s why, after all, they’re called accidents.

It’s an unfortunate part of being a pup parent, but you can make it a little better by using these steps.

That way, you can spend less time cleaning, and more time playing with your pup.

PS- If your floors and carpet need some help with cleaning, check out our powerful and all-natural enzymatic cleaner, Oops Eraser, and for a powerful bundle that will help clean up messes and potty train your dog, check out the Ultimate Potty Training Pack.


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