6 Spooky Things Dogs May Be Able to Sense That Humans Can't | Pupford Skip to content

6 Spooky Things Dogs May Be Able to Sense That Humans Can't | Pupford

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6 Spooky Things Dogs May Be Able to Sense That Humans Can't | Pupford

While scientists don't ascertain that dogs can see ghosts, some of us have seen firsthand our pets' ability to sense things unknown that can be hard to believe.

Here are six spooky things that dogs can sense that humans can't (hint: not all of these things are actually spooky):


dogs can sense when a storm is coming

Want to know if a storm is coming your way? Take note of how your pup is acting. It is quite a baffling idea, but dogs can indeed sense a storm miles away.

While humans have identified tale-tell signs that can tell of an impending storm, some faithful pets can do the same just by trusting their senses.

They have sensitive noses that can smell rain long before falling. They are also very sensitive to changes in atmospheric pressure.

Have you ever tried walking your dog but they are adamant and don't want to go out? Be wary because they might already know rainfall is coming.

Next time this happens check the weather forecast before going out to avoid the storm and muddy paws. Next time they deny walkies, it may be for reasons more clever than you think (at least if they generally enjoy walks)! Or, it may lead to fun times in the rain if your pooch loves water.


dogs can sense when an earthquake is coming

Human beings have used animal behaviors to detect impending disasters or emergencies for quite some time, dating back to ancient Greece. Greek historians recorded that as early as 373 BC, rats, dogs, and snakes were not there in the city of Helice when a catastrophic earthquake hit.

It is incredible how these animals detected the impending disaster and fled. Despite the lack of scientific proof, some speculate that dogs can feel geological movements under the earth's surface. It is such a spooky and complicated character trait since there is no reliable technology that can correctly predict an impending earthquake.


dogs can sniff out diseases in human

Strange as it may seem, some doggos have the capability to sniff out diseases. The latest scientific research shows that dogs have the power to sniff illnesses like coronavirus.

Charity medical detection dogs already have dogs that can sniff out malaria, cancer, bacterial infections and Parkinson's. There could be more to the mere constant sniffs your dog has on you every time you go home. Who knows? There could be a tiny baby inside your tummy, and the dog has already noticed the subtlest changes in your scent.


dogs may be able to sense ghosts

While this isn’t scientifically proven, many people have claimed their dogs have sensed paranormal activity.

Maybe you’re alone with your dog in a wood cabin and out of nowhere, your puppo buffs up and starts to bark in one particular direction. You can't see it, but your dog is sensing something and it’s a bit bone-chilling. Or, they are standing close to an item that was associated with a deceased family member as if they are still present.

While a lot of people debunk the idea of the existence of ghosts, 45 percent of Americans believe in ghosts. So you tell us, do you think dogs can see ghosts?


dogs can sense our mood

If you come home in the evening after a long, tough day out, your dog may be in-tune with your true feelings and can sense that you are in a not-so-happy mood.

They can sense your feelings even if you are doing a great job putting on a happy face. After spending so much time with you, your dogs' heightened senses and familiarity with their favorite hooman allows them to detect your moods.

You might therefore fake a smile, but the pattern of your antics will sell you out. It's funny how these little observers can read your mind and react to how you are really feeling. Usually, our amazing furry friends have the ability to cheer you up too, just by the look of their cute little faces.

Related Reading: Do Dogs Have Bad Days?


dogs can sense the loss of a companion

Death of a loved one is quite a sad ordeal. Dogs will distinctively detect the void left by their lost friends. Dogs feel the absence of furry friends or pup parents that have passed on and they should be shown compassion just like everyone else. Learn more about how dogs grieve here.

Dogs are complex and special individuals in their own wonderful ways. These distinct and sometimes eerie qualities are further evidence of how awe-inspiring our pups truly are.


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Love this article. I do believe dogs are capable of many things. They are amazing.


We had a dog get hit by a car and my husband insisted on taking her in the garage so our other dog “could say her goodbyes” well 20-30 minutes later that dog also died of a broken heart. As soon as she saw the one that got hit she got depressed and started having labored, shallow, breathing. Their sister bond had been so strong. It was tragic

Amy Fiebke01/26/2025

When my mother in law was in our home on Hospice my lab always lay near her. When then end was near, he climbed on the end of her bed, and when she died he cried, oh how he cried. And then he jumped off the bed barking and went to the door. My sister said, “he wants us to release her spirit.” So we opened the door and he ran out with her spirit. And he grieved her losses


My pup knows when I am not feeling well. She will stay with me and not leave my side. When my wife was diagnosed with colon cancer my pup would lick and sniff where her tumor was . She is very sensitive to how we are feeling. Any joint from our arthritis that is hurting she will also lick . I truly believe that dogs are much sensitive to many things. I have always said I trust her opinion of people before my own , it hasn’t failed me yet!


I have seen my Service Dog in several of the things listed above. He’s seen spirits, he can let me know if a seizure is coming he knows when a vehicle is coming down the street before it’s n sight…..and the list goes on. He’s a Terrie, Scottish mix. I adopted him from a Humane Society and he was well worth every dollar 💵 We had our trying times when I first got him. Trying to get him down stairs from 3 flights of stairs was a chore. I was ready to throw in the towel and I told him so then BINGO…….he got it and it’s been so wonderful. I’d do anything for this dog he’s so loving and when he looks at me with his brown puppy eyes I melt and he’s got me wrapped around his????!!


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