Training Your Dog to Walk Better on Leash with Erika Gonzalez | Pupfor – Page 2 – Pupford Skip to content

Training Your Dog to Walk Better on Leash with Erika Gonzalez | Pupford

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Training Your Dog to Walk Better on Leash with Erika Gonzalez | Pupford

Imagine a walk where your arm doesn’t constantly feel like it’s going to be ripped out of its socket. Ahh we can dream.

Walking our dog doesn’t have to be a chore. It can be enjoyable! With proper training (and PATIENCE on our part) we can help our dog to understand that it is actually more beneficial for them to give in to leash pressure.

Here is a training exercise you can try at home to get your dog to walk better on leash.


Erika is a CCDT with 9 years of experience. She specializes in coaching pet parents to train their dogs for basic life skills and behavior modification. She is the founder of From Dusk Till Dog, LLC and is a mentor-trainer for CATCH Canine Trainers Academy.

In her spare time, Erika and her husband John, enjoy decompression walks with their two dogs, Jade (American Staffordshire Terrier) and Freddie (Chihuahua mix), watching good movies, and spending time with family. Erika’s mission is to not only bring you value through her content, but to enhance the relationship with your dog along the way.

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Erika's Podcast:




TRAINING Your dog to walk better on leash | Pupford


  • Place treat or toys (or something valuable to your dog) on the ground
  • The moment your dog pulls on the leash to go towards that reward, use a positive attention sound or food lure to have your dog turn around and come towards you
  • As soon as your dog starts to turn and give into that leash pressure, “yes” or click then immediately reinforce with a food reward
  • Note: If your dog is having difficulty with this use a less valuable reward on the ground and rewarding them with something higher value or move further from the distraction on the ground
  • Repeat!


  • Put the distraction on the ground and when the leash gets tight see if you can gently move with the leash in the opposite direction. Be careful not to jerk the leash
  • The second your dog moves in the opposite direction with you, mark and reward
  • Note: If your dog has trouble, use that food lure to help turn them around with you, or use positive attention sounds to get them going in the right direction
  • Repeat!

Practice this until your dog feels comfortable with these behaviors. Then move to a new environment and practice some more! Remember to move at your dog’s pace, so that you can set them up for success.

With time, practice, and positive reinforcement you will be able to help your dog walk better on a leash!

For more from Erika, check her out on The Perfect Pup podcast where we discussed puppy biting and tips for the first day with a new puppy!

And don't forget to check out our favorite double handle dog leash here!


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Team Pupford01/26/2025

Training sessions can last about 5 minutes so reward your dog every time they do what you ask during that time, but remember to make sure you are using low-calorie treats. And you should be using treats for about 6 months on a cue/behavior before you try to wean off treats.

akie 01/26/2025

How long Do you reward with treats every time? How to fade away the use of treats ?


I agree that it would be nice to see video’s of dogs that aren’t trained really well. It doesn’t help us to see that. We need to see more of how it works when the dog isn’t so trained.

Team Pupford01/26/2025

You can try getting out some treats and try walking while stopping and dropping treats along the way and help to desensitize them to the leash, so show it to them, treat them, then put it on them, etc.


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