5 Unique Household Dog Items That'll Make Your Life 100x Easier | Pupford
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While most of our homes or apartments have the dog staples like a bed, water bowl, and toys, there are some truly unique dog household items that’ll make your life about 100x easier!
And with how challenging raising a pup can be, I’ll take “easy” any chance I get!
Here’s a quick overview of the 5 items + a bonus item:
- Automatic vacuum
- Enzymatic cleaner
- Airtight food container
- Portable paw cleaner
- Magnetic screen door
- Dog blow dryer (if you bathe your dog at home)
Let’s dive into exactly how these items will simplify your life, keep your home cleaner, and make you a happier pup parent!
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Whether your dog sheds or not, having an automatic vacuum will decrease the dust, pet dander, and general messes throughout your home.
And if your dog does shed, a robotic vacuum is almost non-negotiable.
Most robot vacuums can be set to automatically clean at certain times of the day so you almost never even have to think about it!
While there are certainly some expensive options, you can actually find relatively affordable automatic vacuum cleaners for your home.
The biggest downside of an automatic vacuum (if you can call it a downside) is that you need to keep things off the floor that might get picked up by the vacuum and cause problems. Go read reviews of robot vacuums online and you’ll certainly find at least one or two stories of pup parents coming home to a poop accident being spread throughout their entire home! 💩
For a more budget-friendly option, this robot vacuum from Eufy has TONS of positive reviews!
For a middle-range price point, check out the roborock E5!
If you want the best of the best, you’ll love the Roomba j7+. It empties itself for over a month, avoids cords & pet poop (seriously), AND is built specifically with pet hair in mind!
I have two Labrador Retrievers and run my Roomba at least once a day, often twice. It is an actual game-changer (and a time-saver)!
Related Reading: How to Get Your Scared Dog Used to a Vacuum
Sticking with the whole “dogs are dirty” theme, a high-quality enzymatic cleaner will save your floors, rugs, and carpet.
Even if your dog is potty trained, accidents of all kinds will happen. Dogs throw up, excited pee, accidentally poop on your favorite rug, you name it.
Sh*t literally happens.
The power of an enzymatic cleaner compared to a regular household cleaner is that enzymatic cleaners break down dog messes at the root. So instead of just masking a smell, it actually gets rid of the stain and removes the root of the smell.
This is especially important if your dog is potty training still! Puppies are much more likely to return to where previous messes happened to have an accident again…
If they go back and can still smell the urine or feces from before, it kind of tricks their brain into thinking it’s “okay” to go there again! 🤦
So, do yourself a favor and get a powerful, natural enzymatic cleaner that will truly get rid of stubborn pet messes.
Get a highly-rate enzymatic cleaner here!
Here’s a real review of that ^ enzymatic cleaner:
“We love this product. It removes any trace of an accident. It does not smear or leave a residue on our hardwood floors, and it works perfect with carpets/rugs. We highly recommend.” - Sarah
Related Reading: How to Get Dog Smell Out of a House
There’s something oddly unsettling about opening a pantry door, laundry room, or cabinet and a stiff stank of dog food hitting you in the face.
The vast majority of dog food, whether kibble or dehydrated food, doesn’t have the best packaging when it comes to closing it back up! And that causes two things to happen. ⤵️
- The food doesn’t stay as fresh as possible
- The smell of dog food permeates throughout your home (or at least the room you’re keeping the food in)
The solution?
Get a nice air-tight dog food container! Not only will your pup thank you (for the fresher food), but your home will smell better.
If you’re buying large bags of kibble, I seriously LOVE this option from Simplehuman that is air-tight, can hold up to 40lbs of food AND is actually sleek and visually appealing. Plus, it has a magnetic scoop built right into the inside of the lid.
For smaller amounts of food, the OXO Good Grips Pop Containers keep things super fresh!
I don’t care if you live in a big city or the wide-open countryside, your dog’s paws can get quite gross on walks and other adventures.
While most of us will towel off paws if they’re muddy or visibly dirty, what about when they aren’t?
I can assure you that there is still plenty of dirt and grime on your pup’s paws, even if you don’t see it!
Enter… a portable paw cleaner!
Essentially, it’s a tube with soft bristles that help clean off your pup’s paws.
Just add some water with soap, dip your pup’s paws in, and then dry them off. Easy!
Once you get this, you’ll question how you ever went without it! Check out all the sizes & colors here.
PS- Learn how to use the Mudbsuter Paw Cleaner here.
If you enjoy having bugs and flies in your home, then skip this section.
If you don’t, then you need a magnetic screen door!
Keeping a back door or patio door open is a great way to welcome fresh air into your home, but what if you don’t have a screen door..?
And don’t even get me started on the number of times you end up opening and closing your door to let your dog out to use the bathroom! 😅
With a magnetic screen door, you can keep the door open AND not have to worry about your pup being able to get out.
A magnetic screen door just velcros around your door frame area and has a strip of magnets through the middle of the screen. You (or your dog) can easily push through the middle to open up the screen and it will magically and automatically close behind you!
You get all the benefits of a screen door without having to worry about opening it and closing it behind you! Just walk through and it closes itself.
I’m telling you, this product makes my life SO much easier and it helps keep pests and flies out.
It’s a win-win! Check it out here!
If you bathe or wash your dog at home, keep reading.
And if you have a large dog that you bathe at home then you will LOVE a dog blow dryer.
Typically the act of actually washing your dog doesn’t take too long, but drying them… that’s a different story. In the past, I tried using a normal blow dryer on warm or cold, and it helped. But it really didn’t do much.
Once I purchased and started using a dog blow dryer, bath time was reduced by about 50-75%!
The high-velocity air dryer really just pushes the hair off your dog, quickly drying them. Plus, many of the pet dryers have a heat function that will speed up the drying process even more!
The one I bought even has multiple attachments to optimize the drying. Check it out (and cut bath time in half) here!
Having a dog in your home brings about unique challenges, but when you have the right products and tools you can handle whatever your pup throws your way!
These 5 items (and a bonus item) will help make your life easier, keep your home clean, and generally make you a happier pup parent.
Here’s a quick recap of the items (with links to the products).
- Automatic/robotic vacuum
- Enzymatic cleaner
- Airtight dog food container
- Portable paw cleaner
- Magnetic screen door
- Dog blow dryer (if you bathe your dog at home)
Have you tried any of these products in your home? What did you think?! Tell me in the comments below!
1 comment
Leave a CommentI have a goldendoodle that likes to dig and play in the mud at times, and the paw cleaner is a great thing to have. I’d highly recommend it to anyone.