Our dog experts have spent hours searching around every dog park, vet office, and even that secret cupboard you hide your pup treats in to develop the ULTIMATE doggie IQ quiz.
These questions will test your dog lovin' brain with facts about certain breeds, the quirks of dogs, and the influence these furry guys have on people.
Come and test your smarts to see if you can join the elite club of dog genius!
I thought it was test your doggys Iq I got all excited 😆
Cathy fraser01/26/2025
I got 100%! Very proud of myself! I though it was a dog UW test not a dog parent in test though! Maybe do one of these soon?
Not a good photo demonstrating a German Shepard though, looks like it has malformed hips/spine
I would have aced this if i hadn’t second guessed myself! This was fun and a good way to learn new facts about our wonderful dogs.
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Hi Cathy, nice job! Thanks for the feedback!
I thought it was test your doggys Iq I got all excited 😆
I got 100%! Very proud of myself! I though it was a dog UW test not a dog parent in test though! Maybe do one of these soon?
Not a good photo demonstrating a German Shepard though, looks like it has malformed hips/spine
I would have aced this if i hadn’t second guessed myself! This was fun and a good way to learn new facts about our wonderful dogs.