Teach Your Dog the "Hear That" Dog Noise Sensitivity Method | Pupford
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Many dogs exhibit fear or anxiety when exposed to loud or sudden noises. This noise sensitivity or phobia in dogs can lead to distressing behaviors such as trembling, hiding, or even destructive actions. However, there is a method called the "Hear That" method that aims to desensitize dogs to these triggers and help them overcome...
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Why Do My Dog's Paws Smell Like Corn Chips? | Pupford
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diet & nutrition + health & wellness
Have you ever found yourself lounging with your beloved canine companion, only to catch a whiff of a peculiar smell coming from their paws? Some pet parents describe it as a yeasty, slightly sweet aroma, while others associate it with the smell of a popular snack - corn chips. This phenomenon, often affectionately referred to...
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Why is My Dog Scared of Other Dogs? Common Reasons & Tips | Pupford
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behavior + training
While no dog – or person for that matter – is completely immune from fear, there are some who are more susceptible than others. That can be really challenging for dogs whose fear triggers are extremely common, like other dogs. It’s difficult to watch our dogs struggle with fear of other dogs. Especially when they...
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Safety Tips for Taking Your Dog to The Beach | Pupford
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health & wellness + lifestyle & stories + pup parenting
Summer is here, and as the sun shines brighter and the temperature rises, the allure of the beach becomes irresistible for dog parents everywhere. Embarking on a beach adventure with your furry companion is undoubtedly exciting. Picture the scene: laughter, relaxation, and boundless joy as your dog frolics in the sand, their senses awakened by...
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Can Music Calm Dogs Down? The Effect Music Can Have on Dogs | Pupford
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behavior + lifestyle & stories + pup parenting
If you’ve ever held a solo concert in the car during a road trip or let your favorite Broadway soundtrack get you through a day of chores, then you very much know the impact music can have on people. But does music have the same effect on dogs? Those of us who have music as...
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8 Ways We May be Confusing Our Dogs | Pupford
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behavior + pup parenting
With how much we consider our dogs part of our family, it’s so easy to fall into the pattern of interacting with them like the other (human) members. But their brains work differently than ours, so that doesn’t always work. The result: a confused dog that doesn’t know what you want for them. When our...
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Male vs Female Dogs: Differences in Behavior, Health & More | Pupford
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behavior + new puppy & dog + pup parenting
Raising a dog can be both a rewarding and challenging experience. As pet parents, we strive to understand our furry companions better, including any potential differences in male vs female dogs. At Pupford, we recognize the importance of treating animals with empathy and seeking knowledge regarding the well-being of our four-legged friends. In this article,...
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10 Signs a Dog Is In Pain + How to Help a Dog in Pain | Pupford
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behavior + health & wellness + pup parenting
Your dog is more than just a pet—they trust you with their life. However, dogs have a natural instinct to hide their pain, dating back to their ancestral hunter-predator days. It's crucial for dog parents to understand how to recognize the signs a dog is in pain because dogs cannot verbally communicate their discomfort. In...
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How to Teach a Dog to Leave It: 5 Steps with Videos | Pupford
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Food dropped on the floor, your favorite pair of shoes, a child’s fluffy stuffed animal – sometimes we just need our dogs to leave things alone! But how can we do that when these things are so enticing to our dogs and they tend to act on impulse? Two words: Leave it. When you teach...
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Train the Dog in Front of You - The Missing Piece to Improved Behavior | Pupford
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lifestyle & stories + training
The world is full of conflicting information and methods for obtaining “success and happiness”. And in terms of dog training and behavior success, the conflicts and arguments about how to get there will make your head spin. The term and ideology to train the dog in front of you can be a grounding principle to...
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