How to Fill A Dog’s Emotional Cup | Pupford
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lifestyle & stories + pup parenting
“You can’t pour from an empty cup.” I’m sure you’ve heard that phrase before, but have you really thought about what it means – what is the cup? What are we pouring? What happens when it’s empty? We hear the phrase a lot in terms of self-love, and making sure our own needs are met...
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How Many Walks a Day for a Dog? See the Unexpected Answer | Pupford
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pup parenting + training
While you may want to know how many times a day you should walk your dog, I want to convince you in this article to think about this question differently! Before you close this tab, stick with me for a few minutes. By the end of this article, I promise you’ll feel more confident in...
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How to Stop a Dog from Begging for Food | Pupford
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Dogs are food motivated by nature. While this is great for training because you know treats will work as positive reinforcers (if your dog isn’t food motivated, check this out), it can also have its challenges. Sometimes high food drive causes bad manners, like your dog begging for food. If this is your dog every...
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10 Dog Nose Facts + How to Care for & Clean a Dog's Nose | Pupford
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health & wellness
There are few things in this world more incredible than a dog’s nose. In addition to its immense boop-ability, your pup’s sniffer is actually pretty incredible. But just like any other part of our dogs, their noses need cleaning and care in order to keep them happy and healthy. We’ll be sharing ways to care...
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Are Dogs' Mouths Cleaner Than Humans? | Pupford
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health & wellness + pup parenting
The idea that a dog’s mouth is cleaner than a human’s mouth is actually quite a common statement that one may hear. The fact is that dogs’ and humans' mouths are much different in terms of the bacteria they contain. So is a dog's mouth really cleaner than a human's mouth? As it turns out,...
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Dog Trancing: What Is It & Why Do Dogs Do It? | Pupford
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Dog trancing is an unusual, but usually harmless dog behavior that often leaves pet parents scratching their heads. Often, it is a funny quirk that leads to lots of laughs, although it can be worrisome in some rare cases. The sudden change from happy-go-lucky, activated, and spry to walking slowly in a “trance”, sometimes with...
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Do Dogs Feel Guilt? Hint: Social Media is Lying to You | Pupford
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You come home to a chewed-up shoe, see your dog avoiding eye contact or making themself look small, and wonder… do dogs feel guilt? 🤔 The vast majority of pup parents believe that dogs feel guilt. But what does scientific research say? Alexandra Horowitz, a writer, professor, and researcher of dog cognition, conducted a study...
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Is Your Dog Scared of the Vet? Try These 7 Tips | Pupford
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health & wellness + pup parenting
There is no doubt that going to the vet is a tall task for some dog parents, especially when it comes to generally anxious dogs. When a dog is scared of the vet it can become quite overwhelming! Nervous dogs can quickly get stressed when they realize they are on their way to the vet...
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Helping Your Dog Cope With Changes In Routine | Pupford
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behavior + pup parenting
Dogs thrive on a good routine; they are creatures of habit and like to know when it’s time for walkies, dinner, and playtime. Dogs simply need physical exercise and mental stimulation to stay happy and healthy. But life throws curveballs, not the kind your dog wants to play catch with. It can be stressful when...
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Can Dogs Eat Shrimp? + Shrimp Benefits | Pupford
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diet & nutrition + health & wellness + pup parenting
One of the most commonly Googled questions for dog parents is “can my dog eat __?”. In this article we'll cover "can dogs eat shrimp". Whether you’re looking to share a special treat with your dog, or figuring out if you need to take a ride to the vet after they got into the trash,...
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