It's Okay If Your Dog Can't Handle Public Spaces | Pupford
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behavior + lifestyle & stories + pup parenting
While the idea of taking your pup with you to all the dog-friendly restaurants, cafes, and stores can seem extremely enticing, some dogs just aren’t built for it. And, that is okay! While social media often makes us believe otherwise, not every dog has to be out in public places with you. In this article,...
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Dog Ear Care: Ear Types, Infections, and Dog Ear Cleaning at Home | Pupford
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grooming + health & wellness
When it comes to grooming a dog, ear care can be an area that is often neglected. But it is necessary to help them avoid irritation and even infection. So we've put together this handy guide to tell you everything you need about dog ear care. But before that, you’re probably familiar with the wonders...
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How to Get a Dog’s Attention & Focus on You: 4 Techniques | Pupford
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“He’s so good at listening…when I can get him to pay attention and focus on me.” If we had a dollar for every time we hear that! When it comes to training your dog and teaching them new things, getting them to pay attention is (more than) half the battle. It’s also important for your...
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Dog Mom (& Dad) Guilt: Why It Happens & What To Do | Pupford
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pup parenting
I’m here to tell you, first and foremost dog mom (or dad) guilt is totally normal. Let that sink in for a second… We all want to be the best pup parent and provide our dogs with a healthy, happy, and fulfilled life. But, sometimes, we fall short. And that’s where the guilt comes in....
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Fun Facts About Dogs: 30 Interesting, Funny & Cool Facts | Pupford
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lifestyle & stories
Most people would agree dogs themselves are pretty funny and interesting, but they're so much more than that. They're our best friends, family members, and furry children. Dogs make us laugh, cry, and shake our heads. And we just can't live without them. Do you think you know everything there is to know about our...
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Why Do Dogs Have Whiskers? | Pupford
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Dogs are magnificent animals who experience the world in wonderful ways. It’s part of why we love them so much. Each one has their own perspective on the world and whiskers are a big part of how they take it all in and navigate through it. Whiskers, otherwise known as vibrissae, serve a specific function...
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Is Your Attention Accidentally Reinforcing Your Dog's "Bad" Behaviors? | Pupford
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While we often think of food as a dog’s strongest reinforcement, your attention (eye contact, petting/scratches, talking, etc) can be almost as strong as a reinforcer for your pup! Dogs have been domesticated for thousands of years to instinctively look for and work for our attention. But, your attention can sometimes accidentally reinforce “bad” behaviors...
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How to Teach Your Dog to “Check in” with You and Why You Should | Pupford
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We want to let you in on a secret: your dog making frequent eye contact with you is one of the best ways to improve training effectiveness and keep your dog safe. Okay, maybe that’s not a secret, but sometimes it feels like there’s a secret code to crack in order to get your dog...
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What Happens if Dogs Eat Chocolate & What to Do | Pupford
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diet & nutrition + health & wellness + pup parenting
Unfortunately, a lot of dogs love the taste of chocolate (can you blame them?). This makes a candy bar or muffin that was accidentally left out on the coffee table all the more dangerous to them. Chocolate can cause serious damage to your dog if ingested and it’s far too common that this happens to...
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Why Do Dogs Jump On You? 5 Interesting Explanations & 3 Tips to Stop It | Pupford
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behavior + training
While jumping can seem cute when you have a small puppy, it drastically changes when that little pup turns into a full-grown dog. Understanding why dogs jump on you is key to overcoming this challenging behavior! Our dogs typically jump on us for one of 5 reasons, and we’re gonna dive into each one in...
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