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Walking Dogs in Cold Weather, Winter & Snow: 7 Tips | Pupford

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Walking Dogs in Cold Weather, Winter & Snow: 7 Tips | Pupford
Did you say go for a walk?! Sure, let’s go! Just have to grab the leash, and a jacket, and a hat, probably a pair of gloves too… It’s true; walking dogs in cold weather is not as simple as when the weather is, well... not winter. However, it’s still important that our dogs get...
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Can Dogs Eat Salmon? Raw, Cooked, Dehydrated + Is It Good? | Pupford

23 Comments Filed under diet & nutrition + health & wellness + pup parenting
Can Dogs Eat Salmon? Raw, Cooked, Dehydrated + Is It Good? | Pupford
Another burning question we get here more than you may think... can dogs eat salmon? In this article, we will dive deep into the world of salmon for dogs. Because here's the thing, you may not know the whole story about dogs and salmon. If you’re looking for an answer to a specific question, feel...
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Can Dogs Eat Chicken? The Truth on Raw, Freeze Dried, Dehydrated & Cooked Chicken | Pupford

1 Comments Filed under diet & nutrition + health & wellness + pup parenting
Can Dogs Eat Chicken? The Truth on Raw, Freeze Dried, Dehydrated & Cooked Chicken | Pupford
Here's a question I hear quite often, can dogs eat chicken? Bear with me for a second... there's more to this question than you might initially think! When you factor in how it's prepared, what potential benefits your dog can derive, if there are any dangers of chicken, and other important questions, you can see...
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Dog Hypothermia: Signs, Symptoms, Behaviors & Winter Safety | Pupford

11 Comments Filed under health & wellness + pup parenting
Dog Hypothermia: Signs, Symptoms, Behaviors & Winter Safety | Pupford
*DISCLAIMER* If you’re reading this and believe your dog is experiencing hypothermia, take them to your veterinarian for immediate care! As we enter the Winter months, the chilling cold is all too real for most of us! Being aware of the signs of hypothermia in dogs is more important now than ever. Us humans are...
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Science Behind Positive Reinforcement Dog Training | Pupford

6 Comments Filed under training
Science Behind Positive Reinforcement Dog Training | Pupford
Positive Reinforcement training is the most effective and humane route to train your dog. Unfortunately, in the past, aversive, punishment, and now-debunked methods were spread by trainers, the media, and other outlets. Part of our mission here at Pupford is to help spread the message and power of positive-reinforcement-based training! Choosing to train via positive...
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Why Do Dogs Tilt Their Heads, Notably When You Talk to Them? | Pupford

10 Comments Filed under behavior
Why Do Dogs Tilt Their Heads, Notably When You Talk to Them? | Pupford
Almost all dog parents have asked this question at one point or another -- why do dogs tilt their heads when you talk to them? ...Other than to rack up some brownie points and melt your heart, of course. So aside from the fact that it is adorable, what makes your pup tilt their head? ...
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Does Your Dog Really Understand Behaviors? | Pupford

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Does Your Dog Really Understand Behaviors? | Pupford
Sometimes we like to think that our dog understands a specific behavior completely, but do they? How can we know when our dog truly understands a specific behavior? Just because your dog knows "recall" inside the home, does that mean they "understand" recall? Listen to today's discussion and let us know what you think!! Remember, your...
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Dogs and Kids Guide: Training, Home Prep & Guidelines for Healthy Kid-Dog Relationships | Pupford

2 Comments Filed under pup parenting
Dogs and Kids Guide: Training, Home Prep & Guidelines for Healthy Kid-Dog Relationships | Pupford
Introducing a new dog to your home with children comes with its own set of challenges! Similarly, bringing home a newborn baby to your home with dogs takes extra care and steps to ensure the safety and happiness of your baby. In this episode of The Perfect Pup Podcast, we talk about the following: How...
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Carrot Apple Dog Popsicle Recipe | Pupford

9 Comments Filed under enrichment + lifestyle & stories
Carrot Apple Dog Popsicle Recipe | Pupford
Looking for an easy-to-make puppy popsicle recipe? You're in the right place! Carrot Apple "Pupsicles" are a tasty option that dogs love on hot days. Plus, you likely already have all of the ingredients in your fridge, yay! Check out Scout loving the pupsicles below. Let's get to the recipe! Ingredients 2 apples (any kind),...
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Can Dogs Eat Apples and Apple Sauce? | Pupford

No Comments Filed under diet & nutrition + health & wellness + pup parenting
Can Dogs Eat Apples and Apple Sauce? | Pupford
One of the most common questions for new (or longtime) pup parents is, can dogs eat apples? If you're wondering this, then you are in the right place. Here is the answer below! 👇 Yes, dogs can eat apples. BUT! (Yes, there is a "but".) Dogs shouldn't eat the seeds, stem, or core. Keep reading...
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