Balancing Work and Dog Parenting: 12 Tips for Busy Professionals | Pup – Pupford Skip to content

Balancing Work and Dog Parenting: 12 Tips for Busy Professionals | Pupford

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Balancing Work and Dog Parenting: 12 Tips for Busy Professionals | Pupford

In today's fast-paced world, finding the right balance between a demanding career and caring for a beloved dog can be challenging. Busy professionals often struggle to ensure their furry friends get the attention, exercise, and love they need while juggling work responsibilities.

However, with careful planning, effective time management, and a few creative solutions, it’s entirely possible to be both a successful professional and a responsible dog parent.

This blog post will offer practical tips to help busy professionals maintain a healthy work-life balance while keeping their canine companions happy and well-cared for.

Table of Contents:

  1. Establish a Routine
  2. Hire a Dog Walker or Pet Sitter
  3. Utilize Dog Daycare Services
  4. Work From Home (When Possible)
  5. Use Interactive Toys and Enrichment Activities
  6. Delegate Responsibilities
  7. Exercise Before and After Work
  8. Incorporate Training Into Your Daily Routine
  9. Incorporate Your Dog Into Your Social Life
  10. Consider a Pet-Friendly Workplace
  11. Prioritize Quality Time
  12. Practice Self-Care

Establish a Routine

a border collie on a walk

Dogs thrive on routine. Establishing a consistent daily schedule will help your dog feel secure, even if you're often out of the house. Your dog will begin to anticipate regular feeding times, walks, bathroom breaks, and playtime, which can reduce anxiety and behavioral problems.

Morning routine

Before heading to work, spend quality time with your dog. Take them on a brisk walk, give them breakfast, and ensure they’ve had time to relieve themselves. A little mental stimulation, like puzzle toys or a quick game, can help your dog burn off energy and relax while you’re gone.

Evening routine

When you come home, spend some time reconnecting with your dog through play or a walk. Dogs look forward to bonding time, and an evening routine helps you unwind after a long workday as well.

Learn 5 reasons why dogs crave routine!

Hire a Dog Walker or Pet Sitter

a dog walker with three dogs

If your work hours are long or unpredictable, hiring a dog walker or pet sitter can be a lifesaver. A professional dog walker can ensure your dog gets the exercise and bathroom breaks they need during the day. This is especially important if you live in an apartment or don’t have easy access to a backyard.

Dog Walkers

Whether it's a midday walk or a play session in the park, dog walkers give your dog the opportunity to stretch their legs and avoid pent-up energy.

Pet Sitters

If you travel often for work, having a reliable pet sitter ensures your dog is in good hands when you're away. A pet sitter can come to your home or board your dog, depending on your preferences.

Check out our complete guide to finding the perfect pet sitter or walker!

Utilize Dog Daycare Services

three dogs outside at doggy daycare

Dog daycare centers are a great option for busy professionals who can't be home during the day. Many daycares offer full-day care, where your dog can play, socialize, and stay active while you work. Not only does this help your dog expend energy, but it also offers socialization opportunities, which are essential for their mental health.

Benefits of Daycare

Dogs that attend daycare tend to be well-socialized and come home tired after a day of play, reducing the chances of destructive behaviors. It’s a safe and supervised environment where they can interact with other dogs and humans.


If full-time daycare isn’t feasible, consider half-day options or a few days per week to supplement your dog’s routine.

Things to Consider

Not all dogs enjoy social interactions for such a long duration, many dogs may become bothered by other dogs after too much social interaction. Be sure to assess your dog's preferences and find a daycare that is a right fit for them. Or if your dog is not the social butterfly type and would prefer their alone time, that is okay too!

Work from Home (When Possible)

a man and dog working from home

Remote work has become more popular in recent years, and it can be a huge advantage for dog parents. If your job allows for remote or hybrid work, take advantage of it. Even working from home a few days a week can make a significant difference in your ability to care for your dog.

Designated workspaces

If you’re working from home, establish a designated work area where your dog can relax nearby without interrupting your productivity. Having their bed or favorite toys in the same room can provide comfort while you work.

Breaks and bonding

When you work from home, you can take short breaks to play with your dog, take them outside for bathroom breaks, or give them a snack. These mini-interactions strengthen your bond and help break up the monotony of the workday for both of you.

Use Interactive Toys and Enrichment Activities

A large brown dog interacting with a Lickin Layers puzzle toy

Interactive toys and enrichment activities can keep your dog mentally stimulated while you're busy at work. These toys engage your dog’s mind and encourage independent play, helping them stay entertained and avoid boredom.

Puzzle toys

Puzzle toys that dispense treats or require your dog to solve problems are great for keeping them occupied for longer periods. Kong toys, snuffle mats, and treat-dispensing balls are popular options.

Chew toys

Long-lasting chew toys, like bully sticks or rubber bones, satisfy your dog’s instinct to chew and can provide entertainment while you're away.

Interactive technology

There are smart toys and cameras that allow you to interact with your dog remotely. Some devices even dispense treats and enable you to talk to your dog via your smartphone.

Learn more ways to provide mental enrichment for your pup in our A-Z guide!

Delegate Responsibilities

a couple with two dogs

If you live with a partner, family member, or roommate, consider dividing the responsibilities of dog care. Sharing the load can make things much easier and ensure that your dog gets the attention they need, even when you have a particularly busy day at work.

Divide Tasks

Create a schedule that outlines who is responsible for feeding, walking, and playtime. This way, there’s no confusion about who is handling what, and your dog doesn’t miss out on essential care.

Alternate Days or Shifts

If both you and your partner have different work schedules, alternate dog-care duties. For example, one person can take care of morning routines, while the other handles the evening.

Exercise Before and After Work

a golden retriever running through field getting exercise

For many breeds, a quick walk or a few minutes of playtime isn’t enough to burn off all their energy. Make sure your dog is getting sufficient physical exercise, especially if they are high-energy.

Morning Exercise

Before heading to work, try to engage your dog in a more intense exercise session. This could be a long walk, a run, or a game of fetch. A tired dog is more likely to relax and nap during the day.

Evening Activity

After work, engage your dog in physical play or take them to a dog park. Dogs are social animals and will appreciate the time spent outside with you, and it helps reinforce your bond after a long day apart.

Incorporate Training into Your Daily Routine

a belgian malinois doing training

Training sessions don’t have to be long and complex. Short, frequent training sessions can be incorporated into your daily routine, especially when you’re pressed for time.

Five-minute sessions

Use small windows of time, like during a commercial break or while waiting for coffee, to reinforce cues like “sit,” “stay,” or “come.” These mini-training moments help to keep your dog’s mind sharp and strengthen obedience.

Mental Stimulation

Training isn’t just about obedience—it also provides mental stimulation. Learning new tricks or refining old behaviors helps prevent boredom, which can reduce destructive behavior.

Check out our Trick Training course for step by step instructions on how to teach your dog some new tricks!

Incorporate Your Dog Into Your Social Life

a pitbull in a social setting on an outdoor patio with a group of people

Dogs are a wonderful excuse to get out and be social, even if your work schedule is tight. Instead of seeing dog care as a separate responsibility, integrate it into your social and leisure activities.

Dog-friendly Outings

Opt for dog-friendly cafés, breweries, or parks where your dog can come along when you meet friends or unwind after work. This way, you can socialize and take care of your dog at the same time.

Join a Dog Group

Dog walking groups or meetups allow you to combine your dog’s need for exercise with your own social life. Plus, your dog will benefit from interacting with other dogs.

Consider a Pet-Friendly Workplace

poodle in a dog friendly office

Some companies are beginning to offer pet-friendly workplaces, where employees can bring their dogs to the office. If you’re lucky enough to work in such an environment, this can be a game-changer for balancing work and dog parenting.

Benefits of a Dog-Friendly Office

Dogs at work can reduce stress and increase employee morale. Having your dog with you ensures they get plenty of attention and socialization throughout the day.

Prepare Your Dog

If your office allows pets, make sure your dog is comfortable in that environment. Bring their bed, toys, and food, and ensure they’re well-behaved around coworkers and other dogs.

Prioritize Quality Time

a man spending quality time with his dog playing frisbee

Quality over quantity is an important principle for dog parents who have busy schedules. Even if you can’t spend all day with your dog, ensuring that the time you do spend together is meaningful can help maintain a strong bond.

Engage in Focused Activities

When you’re with your dog, engage in activities that both of you enjoy, such as going for walks, playing fetch, or cuddling on the couch. Avoid being distracted by your phone or work.

Make Weekends Count

Use weekends and days off to dedicate extra time to your dog. Plan outings like hikes, trips to the beach, or visits to the dog park to make up for the time you may not have during the workweek.

Practice Self-Care

a woman relaxing with a pitbull on the couch

Balancing a busy work schedule with dog parenting can be demanding, and it’s easy to overlook your own well-being. However, prioritizing self-care is crucial not only for your mental and physical health but also for being the best pet parent you can be.

Rest and Recharge

Taking time for yourself prevents burnout, which can affect your ability to care for your dog and perform well at work. Make sure to schedule downtime for activities you enjoy, whether it’s reading, exercising, or meditating.

Delegate When Needed

Don’t hesitate to ask for help with dog care. Hiring a dog walker or leaning on a partner for assistance can give you the breathing room you need to recharge.

Incorporate Relaxation with Your Dog

Sometimes, self-care can involve your dog! Spend relaxing moments together by taking a quiet walk, practicing mindful petting, or enjoying a peaceful night at home.

Relaxation is just as important for our pups too! Learn about the relaxation protocol. 

Balancing Work and Dog Parenting Recap

Balancing work and dog parenting as a busy professional requires thoughtful planning, but it’s far from impossible. By establishing a routine, enlisting help, and incorporating your dog into your daily life, you can ensure that your furry friend gets the love and care they deserve, while still excelling in your career. Remember, every dog parent faces challenges, but with a bit of creativity and flexibility, you and your dog can thrive together.

Check out our Training App for on the go training and tips wherever your busy life takes you! 


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Super helpful article. This has been such a mental struggle since we’ve gotten our first dog, a year ago. Lots of great advice and tips as always.


Thank you for the tips. I wfh part time but need to find a balance with my pup and will incorporate these tips!

Courtney Boyce01/26/2025

I have always struggled with balancing my career life and my personal life. Once I got two dogs I realized I need to work even harder to figure out the balance. I have found that setting up activities and puzzles that my dog can do during lunch time, gives them their enriching time when I am most busy. We also do long walks in the morning and always at least 30-40 minutes of playtime at night!! Puzzle feeders and training treats are a must to have on hand to keep them entertained and happy! It’s all worth it to have your dog happy and healthy!


OMG these were all such great tips. I work from home, but sometimes I debate on putting my dog in daycare to give her more interactions! Keeping her entertained can feel like a full-time job sometimes


I’m so thankful I’m able to still work from home while managing my doggie business. I’ve had people return puppies because they are too busy for them. Now my contracts state you have to be able to take care of your puppy. Not leave him/her in a cage all day. Alone.


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