8 Reasons Your Dog's Stomach Is Gurgling & Making Noises | Pupford
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If you’ve ever had your stomach rumble with hunger in the middle of a silent room or during a serious conversation, you know how much it can catch you off guard.
But it seems to be even more jarring when it comes from our dogs – how can such a little tummy make such a big noise?!
We get asked a lot if it's normal for our dogs’ stomachs to make noises and gurgle, why that happens, and when we should be concerned. We’ll answer all those questions, and more, today.
Here’s what we’ll be covering:
- Reasons why your dog’s stomach makes noises
- Types of noises your dog’s stomach may make
- What to do when your dog’s stomach is making a lot of noise
- When to be concerned about your dog’s stomach noises*
Start from the beginning with us!
*This is not a substitute for veterinary care. If you’re concerned about your dog’s health, contact your veterinarian.

Before we look at the types of noises (think gurgling and grumbling), let's look at why your dog's stomach or belly might be making loud noises.
The good news is that it’s not always a sign of tummy trouble. There are a lot of potential reasons for your dog's stomach to gurgle and make noises, including:
- Hunger
- Eating something they shouldn't have
- Diarrhea
- Gas
- Poor-quality food
- Bowel obstruction
- Gastrointestinal disorders
- Parasites or infection
Now, let's look at each reason for loud puppy stomach noises below. 👇
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Our dogs’ stomachs rumble from hunger just like ours. If it’s been a while since their last meal, it’s possible the noise you're hearing is from hunger.
Try adjusting meal size and/or frequency to keep your dog’s hunger in check throughout the day.
Related Reading: Puppy Feeding Schedule
Dogs are curious little creatures, so it’s almost inevitable that they will eat something questionable at one point or another.
If whatever your dog ate doesn’t agree with them, it’s likely to cause a lot of gurgling and other noises.
Related Reading: 20 Foods Dogs Can & Can't Eat
Loud stomach noises could mean your dog is going to have diarrhea. It might be a good idea to take your dog potty if you notice increased tummy sounds, just in case diarrhea is coming.
Related Reading: 7 Dog Poop Meanings + Types of Dog Poop Guide
Since the noises are caused literally by gasses moving through the intestine.
If your dog is gassy from food or ingesting too much air from eating or drinking too fast, it will cause a lot of noise as it passes through their system.
Related Reading: My Dog Eats Too Fast! Here's How to Slow Down a Dog Eating

Low-quality food, especially highly-processed food with high carbohydrate content, often causes intestinal irritation and gas.
Constant loud belly noises can be a sign of a poor diet.
Sometimes our dog’s curiosity goes beyond eating grass in the yard or food scraps from the garbage and leads to them ingesting non-digestible objects.
The noises could be your dog’s intestines reacting to the object and trying to pass it.
Inflammatory Bowel Disease, SIBO, and other gastrointestinal issues can cause an overproduction of gas and a noisy tummy for your dog.
Unfortunately, parasites and bacterial infections are common culprits of upset and rumbly tummies. But they usually come with other symptoms that make them easier to spot.
As you can see, there are many possible explanations as to why your dog’s stomach makes noises, ranging from harmless to life-threatening.
Don’t panic – there are steps you can take to figure out what the cause is...
But first, the types of noises your dog's stomach might make. ⤵️
💩 Improve your dog's poop consistency, frequency & overall gut health with the Gut Health + Immunity Supplement. See a special offer here! 🐶

Like us humans, your dog’s stomach can make a lot of different sounds.
Fun fact: the scientific name for your dog’s stomach noises is borborygmi. This fancy term basically means gas moving from one part of the intestines to another.
While it’s totally normal for there to be some gas moving through the intestines, it can result in some weird noises as it navigates the other intestinal contents. This can result in gurgling, rumbling, swooshing, and other sounds at an array of volumes.
Now, let's look at what to do when your dog's stomach seems upset and is making loud noises! ⏬

If your dog’s stomach is making more noises than usual, you’ll want to evaluate some other factors to figure out what’s causing it and if you need to take any further action.
If the change in your dog’s stomach noises is sudden, you’ll want to evaluate the following:
- Is there evidence your dog ate something unusual, or potentially poisonous/dangerous?
- Is your dog having regular bowel movements/urination?
- Are there any changes to your dog’s appetite?
- Have you made any adjustments to your dog’s eating schedule or food type or introduced any new treats?
- Has your dog encountered new animals or environments lately?
If, on the other hand, your dog just has a generally noisy tummy but seems fine otherwise, here are some things you can do to make sure they are digesting optimally:
- Limit free feeding
- Offer your dog plenty of fresh water
- Try a slow-feeder bowl or snuffle mat for meals
- Walk your dog after they eat to promote digestion
- Analyze your dog’s food and treats to make sure they are made with high-quality ingredients
- Include a gut-supporting supplement
Remember, when in doubt, it’s best to call your vet or take them in for a visit to be sure.
💩 Improve your dog's poop consistency, frequency & overall gut health with the Gut Health + Immunity Supplement. See a special offer here! 🐶

On rare occasions, your dog’s stomach noises could be a sign of a serious problem. While it can be hard to know when you should be concerned about your dog's stomach making noises, here are some things to think about.
Here are signs that your dog may require veterinary care:
- Lethargy
- Excessive drooling
- Changes in appetite
- Abdominal pain or swelling
- Changes in stool, including prolonged diarrhea or constipation
- Vomiting
- Blood, mucus, or appearance of worms in stool
If you see any of these happening in your dog, contact your vet right away. They will listen to your dog’s stomach and bowels to get a better idea of what’s causing the noises. They’ll also run stool and/or blood tests to figure out what’s going on and determine the best course of action.
Be sure to mention all of your dog’s symptoms when you contact your vet, as some may warrant emergency treatment.
Hopefully, this puts your mind – and ears – at ease when it comes to your dog’s stomach noises. If you have any additional questions or want to share a story about your dog’s stomach noises, let us know in the comments!
You can also learn more about your dog’s overall health in our Advanced Puppy Nutrition: Microbiome course in Pupford Academy. You’ll learn what your dog’s poop means, how their gut affects their overall health, and so much more.

And while you should always clear any underlying health issues with your vet, adding a dog gut health supplement can vastly improve your dog's stomach and poops. This includes consistency, frequency, and size.
Since a dog's gut makes up a large majority of their immune system it's so important to properly care for their microbiome!
💩 Improve your dog's poop consistency, frequency & overall gut health with the Gut Health + Immunity Supplement. See a special offer here! 🐶
The Pupford Gut Health + Immunity Supplement has been formulated with optimal ingredients to support a healthy gut. It contains ingredients like:
- Pumpkin- Contains vitamins like A, C, and E, minerals like potassium and iron, and is great for digestion.
- Chicory Root- Effective prebiotic that helps support healthy bacteria in the gut and improves the immune system.
- Yea-Sacc OA®- Yeast culture that will promote digestion and utilization of nutrients.
- Tynagen™- Postbiotic that optimizes gut health and overall pup health
- Immunity blend- Contains probiotics to improve immunity, and help with a host of different issues like poor health, allergies, an upset stomach, bad breath, gas, diarrhea, and more.
- Colostrum- Promotes immunity, fights infections, and improves gut health throughout the life of the pet.
See a special offer on the Gut Health + Immunity Supplement here!
Leave a CommentMy pup was having loud stomach noises (like, wake-you-up-in-the-middle-of-the-night loud) for WEEKS with no other symptoms of anything. We spoke with the vet and they didn’t find anything wrong. When she started showing signs of bloat a few weeks after, we had a fecal test and found out she had Giardia! Now anytime my own stomach makes a sound, I immediately think ‘Giardia’ lol. It was not a fun time when we didn’t know what was going on, but now I’ll always take intestinal sounds very seriously!
Thanks for sharing your experience, Janey! This is super helpful for other pup parents.