Why is my neighbor's dog so good on a leash... he's half the age of my dog?! This is a trap!
And you should avoid getting caught in it as much as you can!
Falling into the comparison trap with our dogs usually just brings about negative feelings and no real help for our dogs. In this episode, I break down a few reasons why you should NOT compare your dog to other dogs.
Whenever you look at a dog and how they behave, you might be making some assumptions that are completely untrue.
You typically don't know if that dog is a Hollywood-dog-star with years of dedicated training experience, for example.
You also likely don't know how that dog behaves in all situations. While you might see a dog that's good on a leash out on a walk, you don't know if that dog tears up couches when left alone.
Making snap judgments about a dog in comparison to your own isn't fair because you don't truly know that other dog's background. You don't know the experiences the dog and human counterparts have had!
Any comparison is truthfully an apples-to-oranges type comparison because every dog is SO different and every situation is unique.
If you make a comparison about your dog to another, you're likely only doing that based on a few snap moments or situations.
This is even more so true in the world of social media...
I can almost guarantee you that the pup with 50k followers on Instagram has just as many problem behaviors as you're dealing with for your dog.
Instagram dog accounts are polished and perfected moments that don't reflect reality. If you let that become your benchmark to what your dog should be aspiring to... you're bound for disappointment.
Again, you might see a dog that sits well for pictures on their Instagram posts but is an absolute maniac while on a leash.
So don't be fooled by Instagram dogs! The reality likely isn't what they're willing to actually show you ;)
In my opinion, the only comparison you should make about your dog's behavior is to their previous "self".
Instead of looking at how good your neighbor's dog is at not jumping, look at how much your dog has progressed instead!
If you were to make a record of your dog's skill level with a specific behavior every day, you would likely see HUGE levels of growth over time.
It's so much more important to focus on your dog's progress over time than their "skill level" in comparison to other dogs!
By the way, you can track your dog's behavior progress in the Pupford App! Get it here.
No dog or dog's situation is the same. Comparing your dog to the dog next door is a sticky trap that can lead you to forget the good things your dog is doing!
So instead of comparing your dog to other dogs, compare your dog to their "past self" and see how much improvement has happened over time!
My pup is so smart sometimes l have to be reminded she is a dog and not my baby. She knows the names of all her toys and she has a lot- reindeer, Mama(the heartbeat dog), elephant, jellyfish, little star, red ball, rhino, pig and duck to name a few. She loves chasing squirrels, so when l saw a stuffed squeaky plush squirrel l knew l had to get it for her! After playing tug with her with it l threw it and said “Go get your squirrel Daisy!” Haha! She immediately ran to the couch and jumped up on the arm of it barking like crazy looking for the squirrel on the front porch who comes and digs in the flower pots! Then when she didn’t see it, she ran to the full view storm door looking for it. So l let her out there so she could protect her porch and grabbed the toy squirrel and played with her with it after she had calmed down a bit. We’re still working on the difference between real squirrel and toy squirrel- but she is actually getting the hang of it! Daisy is the 3rd chihuahua I’ve been around. My son had one Maggie when he was young. Then l had one Molly, but l was working full time. I’m retired now and around Daisy all the time. I never realized that you could love a pup so much! Thank you for all your training courses! I read them and work with Daisy almost everyday.
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Leave a CommentMy pup is so smart sometimes l have to be reminded she is a dog and not my baby. She knows the names of all her toys and she has a lot- reindeer, Mama(the heartbeat dog), elephant, jellyfish, little star, red ball, rhino, pig and duck to name a few. She loves chasing squirrels, so when l saw a stuffed squeaky plush squirrel l knew l had to get it for her! After playing tug with her with it l threw it and said “Go get your squirrel Daisy!” Haha! She immediately ran to the couch and jumped up on the arm of it barking like crazy looking for the squirrel on the front porch who comes and digs in the flower pots! Then when she didn’t see it, she ran to the full view storm door looking for it. So l let her out there so she could protect her porch and grabbed the toy squirrel and played with her with it after she had calmed down a bit. We’re still working on the difference between real squirrel and toy squirrel- but she is actually getting the hang of it! Daisy is the 3rd chihuahua I’ve been around. My son had one Maggie when he was young. Then l had one Molly, but l was working full time. I’m retired now and around Daisy all the time. I never realized that you could love a pup so much! Thank you for all your training courses! I read them and work with Daisy almost everyday.