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5 Ways to Give Your Dog Choices | Pupford

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5 Ways to Give Your Dog Choices | Pupford

Dogs, like humans, thrive when they have a sense of control over their environment. As pet parents, we make numerous decisions for our dogs—from their diet and exercise routines to their social interactions and daily activities.

However, giving dogs choices within these parameters is crucial for their well-being. It empowers them to express preferences, reduces stress, and fosters a happier, more confident dog.

This blog post explores the importance of offering choices to your dog and provides practical ways to integrate decision-making into their daily lives. By doing so, you'll not only strengthen your bond with your furry friend but also enrich their overall quality of life.

Table of Contents:

  1. The Importance of Giving Dogs Choice
  2. Choice of Food and Treats
  3. Toy Variety and Toy Rotation
  4. Walking Routes and Exploration
  5. Resting Spots
  6. Social Interaction Choices

The Importance of Giving Dogs Choice

a pitbull terrier

In the daily lives of our canine companions, much is dictated by us as their caregivers. From what they eat to how they play, socialize, and engage in enrichment activities, our decisions shape their routines. Yet, amidst this guidance, there lies a profound opportunity—to empower our dogs with choices. This act of granting autonomy is not just about offering options; it's about enhancing their well-being, building confidence, and fostering a deeper bond based on trust and understanding.

When dogs are given choices, they experience a sense of control over their environment. This autonomy can reduce stress, prevent behavioral issues, and promote overall happiness. By allowing dogs to make decisions within safe boundaries, we acknowledge their individuality and respect their preferences.

Choice of Food and Treats

a dog eating a bowl of dry food

Offering your dog a variety of foods and treats is a simple yet effective way to give them a sense of choice. Just like humans, dogs can have preferences when it comes to their diet. Here are some tips:

Rotate Proteins

Instead of sticking to one type of protein (like chicken or beef), rotate between different sources such as lamb, fish (try our freeze-dried minnows treats), and turkey. This not only provides variety but also ensures a balanced intake of nutrients.

We have lots of different protein options in our Freeze Dried Training Treats from salmon to beef, even turkey and duck!

Offer a Mix of Wet and Dry Food

Some dogs prefer the texture of wet food, while others might like the crunch of kibble. Mixing both can give them the best of both worlds.

Healthy Treat Options

Provide a selection of healthy treats, such as dehydrated fruits, vegetables, or specially formulated dog treats. Let your dog choose their favorite from the options.

Our Cheese Crunchies are a great option to provide variety in your pup's treat options!

Toy Variety and Toy Rotation

a beagle with a blue ball

Toys are essential for mental stimulation and physical exercise. However, dogs can get bored with the same toys over time. Offering a variety and rotating them regularly can keep your dog engaged.

Different Types of Toys

Include a mix of chew toys, puzzle toys, fetch toys, and plush toys. Each type serves a different purpose and can cater to your dog’s varying moods and needs.

Toy Rotation

Keep a set of toys available and store the rest out of sight. Rotate the toys every few days or weeks to keep your dog interested in their “new” toys.

Interactive Toys

Toys that dispense treats or require problem-solving can be particularly engaging. Let your dog choose from a selection of these interactive toys.

Shop a variety of our favorite puzzle toys!

Walking Routes and Exploration

3 dogs walking on leash

Daily walks are a staple of dog care, but they don't have to be monotonous. Giving your dog some control over their walking routes can make their walks more enjoyable and stimulating.

Alternate Routes

Explore different neighborhoods, parks, or nature trails. This variety exposes your dog to new scents, sights, and sounds.

Let Them Lead

Occasionally, let your dog choose the direction during walks. Allowing them to follow their nose can turn a routine walk into an adventure.

Bonus Tip! Use a long lead to give your dog even more freedom to safely explore.

Sniff Breaks

Dogs experience the world through their sense of smell. Allow them plenty of time to sniff around and investigate their environment.

Learn more about your dog’s sense of smell!

Resting Spots

a dog sleeping with their head on a pillow

Dogs enjoy having a choice in where they rest or sleep. Providing multiple comfortable spots around your home can make a big difference.

Variety of Beds

Offer different types of beds, such as orthopedic beds, cooling mats, and cozy blankets. Each option can cater to your dog’s comfort needs depending on the weather and their physical condition.

Accessible Areas

Ensure resting spots are available in various parts of your home. This allows your dog to choose where they feel safest and most comfortable.

Outdoor Options

If you have a safe and secure outdoor area, provide comfortable resting spots there as well. Many dogs enjoy lounging outside on a warm day.

Social Interaction Choices

3 dogs on a hiking trail

Many dogs thrive on social interactions (and some don’t!) but it’s important to respect their preferences and comfort levels.

Playdates with Choices

Arrange playdates with other dogs and observe your dog’s behavior. If they seem to enjoy the company of certain dogs more than others, prioritize those interactions.

People Preferences

Some dogs are more comfortable around specific people. Allow your dog to choose whom they interact with and never force them into uncomfortable situations.

Quiet Time

Just like humans, dogs need alone time. Provide them with a quiet space where they can retreat and relax undisturbed.

Give Your Dog Choice Recap

Providing your dog with choices is a fundamental aspect of enhancing their well-being and quality of life. By incorporating these strategies, you can create an environment that respects your dog’s preferences and needs, leading to a happier and more contented pup.

Remember, every dog is unique, and what works for one might not work for another. Observe your dog’s behavior, be patient, and be willing to adapt to their changing needs and preferences. In doing so, you’ll foster a strong bond and a deep sense of trust with your furry friend.

See some of these choices in action with Kaylin, the pup parent of Luna the Trick Dog

How do you give your dog choices throughout the day? Let us know in the comments!


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Team Pupford01/26/2025

Hi Patrick, we have a post on puppy teething here:

Team Pupford01/26/2025

Haha, that is a choice, but your dog may also not really understand what you are asking. We have tips on sit and stay in the 30 Day Perfect Pup Course.

Patrick Stead01/26/2025

6 months old German Short Pointer and is chewing on everything have bought the toughest toys made and torn apart after a few days.. any teething ideas??

Team Pupford01/26/2025

If she can grab all three at the same time, that’s pretty impressive. Hah you can also just try holding them out for her to pick one from you!


I tell my poodle to sit and stay, she gets up and walks off. She made her choice for the day.


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