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Why Dogs Need Walks + Decompression Walks for Dogs | Pupford

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Why Dogs Need Walks + Decompression Walks for Dogs | Pupford

Walkies!!! There’s nothing better than a good walk with our dogs, when they aren’t pulling us like crazy that is. Dos need walks and it can help with so many things!

We get fresh air, quality time together, and a low-impact way to work out any energy that our dogs may have pent up.

But did you know that there are so many more benefits to walking your dog than just exercise? Your dog’s physical, mental, and emotional well-being can all be improved by taking daily walks.

Today we’ll be talking about the reasons why dogs need walks! Here are a few main reasons walking your dog is important:

  • Physical health
  • Decompression (think mental health)
  • Socialization
  • New sights, sounds & smells
  • Bonding through quality time
  • Training

Now, let's dive into each reason below. ⤵️


While physical health is the most obvious benefit of walking your dog, we shouldn’t glance over it. Exercise is so important to your dog’s health!

Not enough exercise can quickly lead to your dog gaining weight, which can cause a number of health problems. Obesity in dogs can contribute to diabetes, cancer, heart disease, joint issues, bladder stones, and other diseases.

Even if your dog is active in the house through playing and training, it’s still important for them to walk. Those shorter sessions usually aren’t enough exercise to really benefit your dog’s health and help them expend the energy they need.

Bonus for you: You’ll be getting more movement in your day, too!


someone on a decompression walk with their dog | Pupford

If you notice your dog has a hard time calming down or is acting out a lot, walks may be the answer. We’ve talked before about how lack of exercise can lead to destructive behavior, but it can cause your dog to be more stressed too, especially if they aren’t spending time outdoors.

To put it simply, your dog needs time to be a dog. They need to sniff, explore, and discover the outside world. Walks are a great opportunity to do that, especially if you live in an area that allows your dog to be immersed in nature.

Walks provide the space and time to release energy in a non-stressful environment, especially on a trail or in nature (just be sure it’s dog-friendly and safe!). But any walk is better than no walk, so don’t discount your basic neighborhood walk for decompression.

🐶 Need help with your dog's leash behavior? Sign up for the 100% free course, 30 Day Perfect Pup, for leash training videos (and dozens of other behaviors). Sign up free here! 🐶


While every walk involves some decompression, you can specifically go for a decompression walk with your dog. This often involves little to no training, no real destination, and more freedom for your puppy or dog.

You can use a long lead, go on a new route, and try to go give your dog the freedom to really explore new smells and sounds.

If your dog wants to stop and sniff every 10 feet, do it.

If your dog wants to run for a little, do it.

If your dog wants to go down a path you've never been on, do it.

These decompression walks are all about giving your dog the ability to make choices, enjoy outdoor time, and "reset" their brain.

Bonus for you: You’ll get some quiet time in your day to decompress! Put your phone on Do Not Disturb and just enjoy the moment.

Related Reading: Teach Off Leash Behavior with a Long Lead


dogs on a walk while socializing | Pupford

When your dog’s in your home or yard, they’re only really interacting with the people who live there. Going for walks is a great way for dogs to see other dogs and people. Seeing other dogs and people from a distance at first will help build confidence for close-up meetings as your dog becomes more comfortable on their walks.

Socialization is so important for raising a happy and well-balanced dog. It’s so important that we put together a complete guide with tips and a checklist. View the puppy socialization checklist here!

Bonus for you: You get to see more dogs. Need we say more?

Related Reading: Puppy Fear Periods


“I can show you the world…”

If you notice that every venture outdoors is a “magic carpet ride”-like experience for your dog -- you’re right! Especially if your dog is young, each walk is an opportunity to sniff, hear, sniff, see, and sniff some more new stuff.

Not only is this a lot of fun for your dog, but it’s also an essential part of their development. Learning new things about their surroundings is a form of mental exercise that’s nearly impossible to recreate indoors. Engaging your dog mentally is just as important for their well-being as physical exercise, and can lead to a happier and better-behaved dog.

Bonus for you: While you might not be as excited about new sights, sounds, and smells as your dog, it’s still an opportunity for you to “stop and smell the roses.” You may get to notice new things too, but at the very least it’s a way to change up your scenery for the day and enjoy some fresh air.

🐶 Need help with your dog's leash behavior? Sign up for the 100% free course, 30 Day Perfect Pup, for leash training videos (and dozens of other behaviors). Sign up free here! 🐶


girl walking her dog outside in nature | Pupford

Quality time can be spent in many forms -- taking a walk together is a great option. By going on frequent walks, your dog will learn to associate the fun experience of a walk with spending time with you.

For people who work or care for children all day, the daily walk might be your dog’s opportunity to spend uninterrupted time with you. That certainly doesn’t go unnoticed by your dog.

Bonus for you: This one’s pretty self-explanatory, don’t you think?


Walks place your dog in different environments and on a leash -- the perfect opportunity for training. Teaching your dog proper leash behaviors is not only great for their disposition, but it’s also important for keeping them safe during a walk.

Leash training is so necessary that we’ve created an entire course on it for the Pupford Academy. The Leash Walking course covers why dogs pull on their leash, what tools not to use (and what to use instead), heel vs. loose leash walking, and multiple methods to overcome bad leash behavior.

Learn more about the video-style course here.


two people walking a small brown dog | Pupford

Dogs of all breeds, sizes, and ages can benefit from more walks. It’s just important that pup parents know how to teach their dogs proper leash behavior for safe and happy walks.

Again, here's a quick recap of why puppies and dogs need walks:

  • Physical health
  • Decompression (think mental health)
  • Socialization
  • New sights, sounds & smells
  • Bonding through quality time
  • Training

Where are your favorite places to walk your dog? Let us know in the comments below!

🐶 Need help with your dog's leash behavior? Sign up for the 100% free course, 30 Day Perfect Pup, for leash training videos (and dozens of other behaviors). Sign up free here! 🐶 


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I get it. I am close to your age and have had a broken shoulder and rotator cuff surgery – can’t afford another fall. Use Yak trax on your shoes – they are great in ice. My 85 lb lab mix goes out for more than 2 miles during our afternoon walk – every day – rain sleet snow. Can’t say I enjoy every one of those walks but he needs them – so does my house. He pulls pillows off the couches and brings them to me when he needs to go out.

Team Pupford01/26/2025

The general rule of thumb is five minutes exercise per month of age (up to twice a day) until the puppy is fully grown.

Team Pupford01/26/2025

Hi Kate. I know that can be frustrating. You’re right about not pulling on the leash. You want them to associate walks with good and fun things, and pulling on a leash can have the opposite reaction. If used correctly, treats can be helpful on walks. Especially if you choose a high-value treat that they only get on walks. If your dog isn’t comfortable with the leash you will want to try to desensitize them to the leash, you can start leash training with them inside before moving out, you can try driving somewhere new and exciting and walking them there. It may also be helpful to reach out to a positive-reinforcement trainer in your area for more assistance.


Hi Kate,
I had a similar situation with my 3 year old Lab/Pit mix. He LOVED walks and car rides, never had any issues. Then one day, he started resisting going out the garage, in the car and after I finally got him outside walking….well, he would stop before we reached the garage and just lay flat. I could not get him to walk into the garage to save my life!! It was so frustrating and I couldn’t for the life of me figure out why this new behavior started. Then I realized that I had a new mailbox (that I had not put up yet) and it was sitting in my garage. Well, once I got the new mailbox out of the garage and put it up…..guess what? His behavior stopped. Unbelievable that he was afraid of a mailbox!! LOL So, it could be something as simple as that. A new sight or smell that may be frightening your dog. I hope you figure it out and good luck!!


My golden retriever is 14 months old and we’ve been doing walks in our suburban neighborhood since she was a puppy. She still “freezes” along the walk and will only walk the same route. She’s very friendly but seems to be on “high alert” during walks. Any suggestions?


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