When Do Puppies Calm Down? + 5 Tips to Settle Your Dog | Pupford
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new puppy & dog + pup parenting
I still remember the first time I turned to my wife and asked, when do puppies calm down?! 😩 We had just come home from a long outing at the park and our pup was still bouncing off the walls, wanting to play, demand barking, chewing at our shoelaces, the whole ordeal. We were both...
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Why is My Dog So Itchy? + Itch Relief Remedies | Pupford
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diet & nutrition + grooming + health & wellness
The scratching, the licking, the rolling around, chewing on skin... It can make you wonder why your dog is SO itchy! Sure, it’s perfectly normal for your dog to itch once in a while. But when the frequency and severity of their itching have YOU scratching your head, it’s time to get to the bottom...
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Counter Surfing Dogs: The Unfortunate Reality of Keeping Dogs off the Counter | Pupford
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behavior + training
A counter surfing dog can be extremely frustrating and dangerous. And while there are some things you can do to reduce counter surfing and keep your dog off the counter, we have to talk about the unfortunate reality of this behavior. Prevention is the #1 way to stop counter surfing. But more on that later!...
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Can Dogs Get Allergies? + Symptoms, Treatments & More | Pupford
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health & wellness
Ahh spring, the time of year when just the sight of a blooming flower can trigger seasonal allergies in some of us. Some people swear they also see their dogs showing signs of seasonal allergies too, as well as other allergies throughout the year. So what’s the deal? Can dogs get allergies? Can dogs get...
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Taking Dogs on Vacation: Full Packing List, Travel Tips & 5 Essential Items | Pupford
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lifestyle & stories + pup parenting
Taking dogs on vacation can typically go one of two ways... Outcome #1: Enjoyable for everyone (dog included), fun, and relaxing Outcome #2: Stressful for everyone (dog included), unpleasant, and miserable While you can of course get bits and pieces of both outcomes, this article will help make your vacation with your dog full of...
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How to Socialize an Adult Dog, Including Older & Rescue Dogs | Pupford
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behavior + training
If you’ve seen any of our other posts or videos about socializing dogs, you’ve probably heard us say that it’s best to socialize your dog as young as possible, with the most important window of puppy socialization being from 16 to 24 weeks of age. Does that mean that it’s not important or possible to...
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Regret Getting a Puppy? Here's Your 5-Step Plan to Improve It | Pupford
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new puppy & dog + pup parenting
Do you regret getting a puppy (or an older dog)? Let me tell you first, you are NOT alone! Raising a puppy (or any age dog) is challenging, sometimes frustrating, and can put a toll on your mental health. It's a lot of work! When you start feeling puppy regret or even hatred toward your...
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15 Weird & Funny Things Dogs Do and What They Mean | Pupford
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We love our dogs for so many reasons. One of them being how wonderfully weird they are. Sometimes we even swear they’re doing things just to make us laugh. Is that really the case? While only your dog really knows whether they intend to make you shake your head in amusement at them, there are...
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How to Break Up a Dog Fight: 3 Safe & Effective Techniques | Pupford
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behavior + pup parenting
Learning how to break up a dog fight is unfortunately a necessary skill for every pup parent. While I hope you don’t actually have to use this information, you likely will. In this episode, we’ll break down the ins and outs of dog fights. And while the information can feel startling and somewhat scary, it’s...
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8 Reasons Your Dog's Stomach Is Gurgling & Making Noises | Pupford
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diet & nutrition + health & wellness
If you’ve ever had your stomach rumble with hunger in the middle of a silent room or during a serious conversation, you know how much it can catch you off guard. But it seems to be even more jarring when it comes from our dogs – how can such a little tummy make such a...
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