5 Ways to Give Your Dog Choices | Pupford
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pup parenting + training
Dogs, like humans, thrive when they have a sense of control over their environment. As pet parents, we make numerous decisions for our dogs—from their diet and exercise routines to their social interactions and daily activities. However, giving dogs choices within these parameters is crucial for their well-being. It empowers them to express preferences, reduces...
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Dog Sleeping Positions Meanings & Chart: 10 Positions Explained | Pupford
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health & wellness + pup parenting
Odds are you have at least some pictures on your phone of your dog sleeping. After all, it’s adorable – and you’ve probably had a laugh or two about the weird sleeping positions your dog has managed to twist themselves into for a snooze. There’s no denying that dogs are super cute when they sleep....
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The Dog Training POV Series with Trevor Smith - Puppy Socialization | Pupford
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If you get your dog as a puppy, one of the most important things that you can do for yourself and your dog is to work on socialization as early as possible. To people, dogs, other animals, and more. But if your dog is not a puppy, these tips can still be helpful to you!...
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My Dog Is Driving Me Crazy! Do These 3 Things Today | Pupford
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behavior + pup parenting + training
Help, my dog is driving me crazy! Dogs are challenging. No matter the age, breed, or size of your dog there will be situations and behaviors that will drive you absolutely crazy. And guess what, that's totally normal.I have gone through the ups and downs of being a pup parent in many ways. My wife...
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Massage For Dogs: Benefits and How to Massage Your Dog at Home | Pupford
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health & wellness + pup parenting
We asked Alexandra Bennett, CCMT, CCAP at Barking Princess Canine Acupressure & Massage to share the benefits of dog massage with our readers, and the following article is from her. Most of us love it when we get to indulge ourselves in the luxury of a spa massage. But we all have busy schedules and...
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Mental Health & Illness in Dogs and 6 Ways to Help Improve it | Pupford
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behavior + pup parenting
As a society, we’ve come a long way when it comes to mental health. While unfortunately more people are suffering from mental health issues than ever, we’re doing a great job of talking about the importance of taking care of our mental health. It’s time we extend that conversation about mental illness and challenges to...
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The Dog Training POV Series with Trevor Smith - Leash Walking | Pupford
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As pup parents, one of the things we love to do with our dogs is to take them places! The beach, a park, a trail, a store, a walk around the city, you name it. But walks can quickly take a turn if your dog won’t stop pulling on the leash or if they don’t...
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How You Might Be RUINING Your Dog's Recall | Pupford
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While recall is a behavior that takes a lot of practice and persistence, there are some things you may be doing that are actually RUINING your dog's recall... 😳 In this video we will talk about common mistakes pup parents can make when it comes to recall and what to do instead. This episode will...
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Training a Puppy 101: 10 Best Puppy Training Tips & Advice | Pupford
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new puppy & dog + training
Bringing home a new dog is undoubtedly exciting, but it can be a little overwhelming too. There’s a lot of “what now?” and “where do we start?” types of questions when it comes to training. We put together this list of 10 puppy training tips to help answer those questions and give you as many...
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The Dog Training POV Series with Trevor Smith - Reward Training | Pupford
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When training a dog, rewards are so important. That is how you can get your dog to listen to you when you are asking them to perform different behaviors and cues, and then have them repeat those things over and over. But not all dogs are motivated the exact same way. Some dogs like treats,...
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