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Bell Training a Dog – Teaching a Puppy to Use Potty Bells | Pupford

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Bell Training a Dog – Teaching a Puppy to Use Potty Bells | Pupford

Have you ever found yourself taking your dog out for a bathroom trip late at night or in the cold weather and thinking “it would be so cool if I could train my dog to ring a bell when they wanna go out!"?

Well good news, you can.

While we won’t be teaching our furry friends to use the toilet like a human (if you do, let us know, we have to hear about that one!), we can teach our dogs and puppies to let us know when they need to go to the bathroom.

No more guessing if your pup has to go or not? Sounds great. We’re sure you’re wondering how this is possible, right?

Enter: bell training a dog.

You probably have a lot of questions about dog & puppy bell training, so we’ve put together this starter guide. We’ll be covering:

  • How a potty bell works and when to use them
  • Benefits of potty bell training
  • Drawbacks of potty bell training
  • How to teach your dog to use a potty bell
  • How to make a potty bell yourself
  • Where to buy potty bells

Let’s dive into all things dog bell training!

🐶 Don't miss out! Conquer potty training once and for all with the help of the free online class 30 Day Perfect Pup. Sign up here! 🐶


white-dog-going-potty-outside-after-ringing-a-bell | Pupford

A potty bell is exactly what it sounds like: a bell your dog rings when they have to use the bathroom.

Your potty bell will hang on the door that’s most frequently used to let your puppy out for bathroom breaks.

It’s a really great way for your dog to communicate exactly what they need when it’s time for a bathroom break!

One important note on dog potty bells is that you should not rely on them at the beginning of potty training! Your main focus during the early stages of potty training is to set your dog up for success by taking them out frequently.

LET ME REPEAT THAT... Your main focus at the beginning of puppy potty training is to set your dog up for success by taking them outside to go potty frequently.

Do NOT rely on potty bells in the beginning.


Having a potty bell is a simple way for your dog to communicate their needs. It takes the place of barking or staring at the door where you may not even see them!

So with a potty bell, there’s no suffering in silence and there’s no excessive barking -- just a clear indication that your pup needs a little quality time with their favorite tree.

Over time this results in fewer accidents, better communication, and a more efficient potty-time routine.


brown-dog-on-grass-going-potty | Pupford

Dog bell training is only effective if you’re consistent with the training and have a potty bell at your dog’s convenience in your home. If you’re not diligent with the training, it won’t stick.

In some cases, your dog may end up ringing the bell just to go outside and play rather than to relieve themselves. Usually, this can be corrected with training, but again, you need to be consistent.

Probably the biggest downside to potty bell training is that some pup parents have a tendency to rely too heavily on the potty bell. This should just be used as a tool within proper potty training skills rather than the only potty training skill.

Otherwise, dogs won’t fully understand that the house is not a place for potty or may be confused when they are in a different environment without the bell.

If you teach your dog proper potty behavior fundamentals, however, the potty bell can be a really effective tool.

🐶 Don't miss out! Conquer potty training once and for all with the help of the free online class 30 Day Perfect Pup. Sign up here! 🐶


black-dog-learning-to-use-potty-bell | Pupford

Like any other skill, teaching your dog to use a potty bell takes consistent training. Here’s a progression you can use ⤵️


Get your dog comfortable with the bell by introducing them to it. Hold the bell close to your dog’s nose, use the cue “touch,” and reward them when their nose touches the bell.

Over time, do this with the bell farther and farther from your dog’s nose.

PS- If you need extra help with the Touch behavior, you can check out the Trick Training Part 1 course!


Once your dog has the “touch” behavior down pat, it’s time to work on getting them to associate the bell with going outside.

Hang the bell from the doorknob of the door you use to take your dog outside or mount it on the frame of that door.

Work on the “touch” behavior from here, at first holding the bell towards your dog as close as you can, eventually not holding the bell at all.

Since they already understand the “touch” behavior at this point, it shouldn’t take too long for your dog to learn to touch the bell even when you are not holding it.

Now your dog is a bell-ringing pro and ready to apply this behavior to going outside!


Now is when you can hone in on getting your dog to ring the bell only to use the bathroom.

Start by giving the “touch” cue when you are about to open the door to go outside. When they touch the bell, reward them, and immediately open the door and take them out.

Eventually, they’ll learn that touching the bell means you’ll open the door.

If your dog starts ringing the bell just to go outside to play, you’ll want to reinforce that the bell is only for potty time.

Take them directly to their potty spot after they ring the bell and reward them when they go potty -- if they don’t go after a few minutes, take them back inside.

If you want to play with them outside, that’s great, just make sure not to give the bell cue for that.


white-dog-being-trained-to-use-a-potty-bell-inside | Pupford

Here are some pro-level tips we’ve learned along the way with bell training:

  • Consistency is key, but keep training sessions short. You’ll see better results with a few 10-15 minute sessions a day than one long one.
  • Make sure everyone uses the same method and cue words for consistency.
  • Use high-reward training treats that are delicious, yet low in calories to keep your pup’s daily intake where it should be.
  • If your dog is having trouble with the “touch” cue, put a small amount of (dog-friendly) peanut butter or other spreadable food on the bell to entice them to touch it.
🐶 Don't miss out! Conquer potty training once and for all with the help of the free online class 30 Day Perfect Pup. Sign up here! 🐶


Know the song jingle bells? Then you probably have everything you need to make a potty bell at home.

You’ll just need a long, sturdy string (a shoelace is a great option) and a bell that jingles. A holiday ornament usually does the trick.

Just string the bell to the strand or hot glue it to keep it in place. Loop it around your doorknob or a hook on the door frame. That’s it, easy!


No worries if DIY isn’t your thing. You can buy a traditional dog potty bell at a number of places like your local pet supply store or on Amazon.

There are also electronic potty bells that your dog can tap with their paw. Those are available on Amazon as well.

If you’re using an electronic potty bell, just be sure to adjust your training for the “touch” cue to putting their paw on the bell instead of their nose.


dog-using-potty-bell-training | Pupford

Overall, teaching your puppy to use a bell when they want to go outside can be a great training behavior. Again, just be sure to focus first on potty training success before you introduce a potty bell. With the right schedule and tactics, you can successfully potty train a puppy! And similar to most behaviors, patience and consistency are key!

And if you're looking for more in-depth (including guided video) training about potty training, be sure to sign up for the 100% free online class, 30 Day Perfect Pup. You'll get hours of guided videos, a downloadable ebook & daily tips from Zak George. Sign up here!

We’d love to hear about your experience with potty bell training. Have any extra ideas? Tell us in the comments below!

🐶 Don't miss out! Conquer potty training once and for all with the help of the free online class 30 Day Perfect Pup. Sign up here! 🐶


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i dont have a garden, i need to train my dog to use the potty at home


I did the potty bell training. I’d say it’s about 97% effective. Our pup learned it in about 1-2 days-we couldn’t believe it! However; we have had some incidences where she rings it when she doesn’t have to go out so that’s why the 97%. Overall, it’s been great but I question whether we should continue with it since it leaves the dog more in control of going out times where there are times I’d like to push at least 1/2 hour to 1 hour longer before taking her. Catch 22 I think.


I think it’s best to use crate training and crate time for teaching them to hold it. If your dog indicates they need to go potty and you ignore it because you want them to hold it longer you are doing a disservice to the communication you’ve developed. It would be very frustrating to the dog.

Team Pupford01/26/2025

When your dog rings the bell to go potty, when you take your dog out, try only letting them go potty then bringing them back inside, without any play. At some point you may want to discontinue use of the bell, especially if they are potty trained already.


It is not to late to train “bells” (as we call it here) – I rescued a doberman from animal services this past August and he is 3 1/2 years old. Using the potty bells was one of the 1st things I taught him because he had never been kept in a home prior to my adopting him so we wanted to prevent accidents.


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