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7 Ways to Make Training Sessions With Your Dog More Fun | Pupford

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7 Ways to Make Training Sessions With Your Dog More Fun | Pupford

When you think of having fun with your dog, what do you think of?

Probably playing fetch in the park, walking a new trail, or meeting new doggy friends right? Probably not training sessions.

But what if we told you that training your dog can – and should – be a lot of fun.

If training your dog isn’t a super enjoyable task for either of you right now, don’t worry, we’ll guide you through how to change that. And if you already have a pretty good time during training sessions, stick around for ways to take it up a notch!

Before we get into it, let’s see where you’re at:

Whatever your answer is, you’re not alone! But we can help you move the needle towards a happier training routine for you and your dog.


While the goal of training your dog is to teach your dog a new skill or behavior, having fun while doing so is beneficial for your dog – and you.

Here are the top reasons why dog training sessions should be fun:

  • You’re more likely to stay consistent. Are you really going to be consistent in doing something that’s not enjoyable? It’s so much easier to stick to a regular training schedule when it’s something to look forward to.
  • Your dog will be more engaged. An engaged dog = an effective training session. Your dog is more likely to focus on their training if they are enjoying themselves in the process.
  • It forms a positive association with training. Forming a positive association is key for training your dog. They’ll be more willing to learn new things and work through challenging training sessions if they know it will be an enjoyable experience in the end.

All in all, training sessions are more effective when they’re more fun, which is a win-win for you and your dog!


So how can we make teaching and practicing behaviors more fun? Incorporate these tips into your dog training sessions:

  1. Smile
  2. Train with games
  3. Use positive reinforcement
  4. Take small steps
  5. Keep training sessions short and focused
  6. Don't stress over setbacks
  7. Let experts guide you

Let's look at each one below. 👇


Remember, the whole point is to have more fun! Keeping a happy demeanor during training sessions helps you enjoy it more, too. Plus, your dog can sense your mood and feed off your energy, so we want to keep it as upbeat as possible. That's actually a common reason why dogs smile!


Gamifying your training sessions helps your dog learn key behaviors without even realizing it – they think they’re just out having fun with you.

You can use games to train a puppy's recall, impulse control, leash walking, and so much more. For example, head here for four games you can use to improve your dog’s impulse control.

Think of your dog’s innate behaviors and instincts – any game that harnesses those to reward your dog for wanted behavior will be an effective training game.


We’ve talked in depth before about why you should choose positive reinforcement training, but it’s worth repeating here.

🐶 Don't miss out! Sign up for the 100% free dog training class, 30 Day Perfect Pup. Sign up for free now! 🐶

Positive reinforcement training helps your dog form positive associations not only with certain behaviors, but with training itself.

The key to successful positive reinforcement training is to use high-value rewards, like Pupford training treats, that keep your dog excited and motivated.


It’s no secret that you have more fun doing something when you’re doing it well. Giving your dog frequent opportunities for victory will keep them motivated and willing to put in the repetitions needed to master a behavior.

Taking things too fast can confuse and frustrate your dog. For example, if you’re trying to teach your dog how to use a potty bell, you want to make sure you spend plenty of time mastering the “touch” cue. Dedicate plenty of sessions to that alone – introducing the bell right away and moving too fast doesn’t set your dog up for success.

We want to see many, many successes in one step of training before moving on to the next!


Dogs, especially young dogs, and puppies can lose focus if training sessions last too long or bounce from behavior to behavior. Keep sessions short and focused on one task at a time.

It’s better to have six 10-minute sessions throughout the day that focuses on one task at a time than to work on three different behaviors in one 60-minute session per day.

🐶 Don't miss out! Sign up for the 100% free dog training class, 30 Day Perfect Pup. Sign up for free now! 🐶

If you do need to consolidate your training sessions, be sure to give your dog mental breaks if you see them losing focus, and to only focus on one behavior per day.


We’re not perfect, and neither are our dogs. Some training sessions will go great, and others not so much. If your dog struggles to grasp something during training, is getting distracted, or things just aren’t going to plan – laugh it off.

Things are bound to go awry now and then, it’s just part of the process. Not stressing over the mistakes is a great way to keep training fun and enjoyable, even on an off day.

P.S. if they are getting distracted, that’s a sign that the training has gone on too long. End the training on a positive note by asking them to perform a simple cue, then end it there.


Go into training with a plan so you can focus in the moment on having fun with your dog. The Pupford Academy has expert-led courses with videos, checklists, and cheat sheets to help you master behaviors from the basics like crate training to party tricks, and everything in between!

Expert help = a less stressful approach to training = more fun for you and your dog!


a dog playing a fun training game | Pupford

Training your pup can sometimes be a frustrating experience and even feel like a chore rather than quality time together. If training sessions aren't enjoyable, you're less likely to stick with it consistently, and your dog may form negative associations with the process!

That means it'll be more challenging to teach your pup new behaviors...

The good news is that training sessions don't have to be a struggle! By incorporating fun into the process, you can transform these sessions into something you and your dog look forward to.

So, start applying these 7 tips to your training routine with your pup for improved behavior!

And if you're looking for some structure and training ideas for your sessions, check out the free 30 Day Perfect Pup course, taught by Zak George. Sign up for free here!

How else do you make training sessions fun? Share in the comments!


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Bella will respond and do everything great during training, without without treats off the leash she will not listen. How do I get her to listen off the leash


he ignores ALL toys. He does like his feeding puzzle but THAT’S IT!

Team Pupford01/26/2025

Have you tried flirt poles, does your dog enjoy running, etc? Some dogs do enjoy playing more than others, but you could maybe find some enrichment activities incorporating toys?

Team Pupford01/26/2025

Start by working on behaviors in different behaviors that aren’t as distracting, like a yard or an empty park. Stores and dog parks have a lot of distractions, so your dog just may not be ready to learn in such a difficult environment.


How do you socialize a tiny dog that is afraid of everything, unusual noises, cars, trucks, people. Unfriendly to people, runs to other side of house if hears a car or loud noise. We have a very quiet house on an acre, just two of us.


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