Dogs and Fireworks: How to Desensitize + What to Give | Pupford Skip to content

Dogs and Fireworks: How to Desensitize + What to Give | Pupford

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Dogs and Fireworks: How to Desensitize + What to Give | Pupford

While we might enjoy watching the night sky light up above our BBQs and pool parties, dogs and fireworks don’t quite have the same relationship. Unfortunately, we see an increase in missing dogs of 30-60% between July 4th and 6th.

Fireworks play a big role in that statistic. Fireworks are LOUD!

Many fireworks can reach sound levels up to 150 decibels.

150 decibels | Pupford

For reference, most human conversation is around 60 decibels, rock concerts are around 115 decibels, and military jets taking off is around 130 decibels.

That’s right -- fireworks are louder than military jets.

So it’s no wonder your dog, who isn’t expecting the fireworks, gets super freaked out. Not only are they loud, but they’re also unpredictable and are interpreted as a threat (which is why some dogs run away).

But this doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy the 4th of July with your dog or any other event with fireworks. There are things you can do to keep your dog safe, happy, and calm during fireworks.

So with the fireworks season underway and the 4th of July rapidly approaching, let’s talk about how to best handle dogs and fireworks this summer.

Here's what we'll cover in this article:

  • Keeping dogs away from fireworks
  • How to desensitize your dog to fireworks
  • What to give dogs for fireworks
  • Additional dogs & fireworks safety tips

Let's get right to it. 👇


We cannot stress this enough! Fireworks are dangerous, but your dog won’t know that until it’s too late.

If anything, the bright flashes and excitement from the humans might draw them towards the fireworks.

It goes without saying that dogs can get burned, injured, or disoriented from fireworks. The most important thing you can do is keep your dog as far away from the fireworks as possible.

Keep them indoors if possible -- if they have to be outside with you, use a crate, leash, or gate to keep them confined to a safe space far away from the fireworks.

Pro Tip: If you are planning on going to a gathering, ask the host if there will be fireworks. If they say yes, consider leaving your dog at home. If there’s a good chance there will be fireworks near your house and you worry about your dog being anxious at home, consider asking a friend to come by and check on your dog, using some of the tactics we’ll discuss in a little bit.

🐶 Don't miss out! Check out our Calming Supplements, perfect for helping calm a dog before fireworks. Shop here! 🐶


phone on speaker | Pupford

You can help keep your dog calm during fireworks by desensitizing them to the sound through training and preparation.

Here’s how you can desensitize your dog to fireworks:

  • Play a video or sound of fireworks with the sound at a very low volume
  • When the fireworks start, mark and reward your dog with a treat
  • Repeat this sequence a few times per session for a few sessions
  • Gradually increase the sound of the fireworks during the sessions.

Use the Desensitization Sounds on the Pupford App to work on desensitizing your dog to fireworks and over 100 other sounds!

The goal is to slowly get your dog to associate the sound of fireworks with happy moments (treats + you!) rather than a threat.

You’ll want to start practicing this months in advance (if possible) so you can progress slowly. That way, you won’t startle your dog at any point and give them plenty of time to learn.

Increasing the volume too quickly could have the opposite effect.


puppy in arms | Pupford

While training helps prepare your pup for fireworks, there’s still a chance your dog will show fear when they actually happen.

You’ll want to make sure you have these items on hand to help with the fear of fireworks.  🎇


You can keep your pup’s mind and body occupied with a delicious chew that will last the whole firework show. Make sure you’re giving your dog a healthy, natural, long-lasting chew to turn firework fear into a few minutes of fun.

Check out our full line of long lasting dog & puppy chews here.


It’s a good idea to keep training treats on hand all the time, and this situation is no exception.

You’ll want to reward your dog for being a good boy or girl during fireworks! (and always).

Check out our full line of treats here.


a dog relaxing in a crate while fireworks are going off | Pupford

Creating a safe space for your dog can ease dog anxiety (unless your dog has anxiety of crates, then don't do this). Encourage your dog to be in their crate with their bed/blankets, favorite toy, and a delicious chew so they are associate their crate with comfort or happiness.

If you don’t have the crate with you, a small gated-off area works the same way -- just be sure you have all your pup’s favorites on hand.


Playing gentle music or white noise can help drown out the boom of fireworks or give your dog something familiar to listen to.

Related Reading: Noise Phobia in Dogs


Just as weighted blankets are shown to help humans with anxiety, there are calming dog beds and shirts that use certain materials and designs to calm your dog.


If you have serious concerns about your pup’s firework fear, or they are still showing severe signs of anxiety despite these tactics, talk to your vet about other options.

There are calming supplements that can help keep your dog calm during fireworks!

🐶 Don't miss out! Check out our Calming Supplements, perfect for helping calm a dog before fireworks. Shop here! 🐶


pug in a blanket | Pupford

While that should give you a pretty good foundation, we have a few other tips when it comes to dogs and fireworks.


Take your dog on a long walk or hike, or add extra play sessions during the day if you know there will be fireworks that night.

This will prevent your pup from turning pent-up energy into destructive behaviors when anxiety hits.


Before fireworks season begins, check to make sure your dog’s ID tags are up to date with all information clearly visible. If not, replace them as soon as possible.

You might also consider a GPS tag (we recommend this one) so you can quickly find your dog in the event they do get out.


We talked a little before about using white noise machines or music to soothe pup’s ears. But don’t forget about the other stimulation.

Use thicker curtains, keep the blinds closed, and make any other adjustments to create a calmer environment.


No, this isn’t a caption for an Instagram selfie, it’s real advice!

Dogs recognize and feed off your energy. Be calm and relaxed around your dog when fireworks are going off -- and it doesn’t hurt to give them a little extra love.


dog-staying-inside-during-fireworks | Pupford

To recap, here are some important things to note about dogs and fireworks ⤵️

  • Do NOT have your dog near fireworks (if you must, keep them on leash and a safe distance away)
  • Desensitize your dog to the sound of fireworks
  • Have plenty of treats, chews, and other pup products around that can help ease anxiety in stressful situations

Keep all these tips in mind to give your pup (and yourself!) the best chance at a stress-free night when it comes to dogs and fireworks.

Have a question about dogs and fireworks? Ask in the comments below!

Recommended Reading: Learn all about desensitization and counterconditioning here.

🐶 Don't miss out! Check out our Calming Supplements, perfect for helping calm a dog before fireworks. Shop here! 🐶


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Good advise all in one place. Thanks.
I’m a trainer & nice to see resources like this.

Jaye Schisssl01/26/2025

I’ve had great results taking my dogs to an interior room or closet or bathroom of the house that has no windows. I sit in there on the floor with them, and brush and pat them, and talk to them soothingly. It’s quieter there. Sometimes we turn out the lights.

Victoria L White01/26/2025

Great advice . My dog Jaxx is my service dog and part of his training was desensitization to loud noises . A lot of the tips suggested work great . Thanks.


thank you for this helpful article. and sound advice. Some have already been firing them off on my street.


I do this, too! And it works! Penny is a 60-lb pit/lab mix, very energetic, bu she loves sitting on the bathroom floor getting brushed with her favorite calming music playing. I can’t imagine taking her to a fireworks display! She HATES loud bangs and pops! I think will be a better 4th! Thank you for the awesome tips.


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