Potty Pads for Dogs: How to Use Puppy Pads for Training | Pupford
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Today we’re going to talk about everyone’s favorite part of being a dog parent: potty training! And specifically, how to use potty pads for your dog!
...what? You don’t find potty training to be the most fun activity you and your dog could ever possibly do together?
Yeah, neither do we. The truth is that potty training your puppy or dog can be challenging and even frustrating. That’s why there are a number of tools out there that were created specifically for making potty training a little easier.
One of the most popular potty training tools is the potty pad. While it’s not particularly fancy or glamorous, they’re a heck of a lot more enjoyable than your dog having free range to go potty anywhere they want.
But there’s much debate over the dog potty pad -- is it good? Is it bad? Is there a "best way" to utilize them? Today we’re going to cover all of that and more.
Related Reading: Bell Training a Dog

There’s a reason why dog potty pads are a common potty training tool -- there are a lot of benefits to using them. The pros of potty pads:
- They’re welcoming for your dog - Since they are relatively comfortable, soft, and simple, potty pads are enticing for your dog to use as a potty spot.
- They’re hygienic - Being able to dispose of each potty pad makes cleanup easy, and avoids having messes and stains in your house. Even reusable ones, like faux grass potty pads, are designed to be easy to clean.
- They’re convenient - In your dog’s early days, they will need many, MANY potty breaks. Potty pads help pup parents manage LOTS of accidents.
- They’re helpful - Whether you have a smaller dog, a dog with a health condition, or live in an apartment, potty pads can provide an alternative.
But of course, everything has a downside. Let's look at some drawbacks of potty pads below. ⤵️
🐶 Need some potty training guidance? Sign up for the 100% free online video course, 30 Day Perfect Pup. Sign up here! 🐶
Nothing’s perfect, so there are some cons that come along with using potty pads:
- They can form dependencies - The most common downside to potty pads is that dogs get used to them and learn to go potty inside the house rather than transitioning to outside.
- They can confuse your dog - Without progressing to further training, your dog might now think that any soft square on the floor is the right place to go potty, making them more likely to go on bath mats, area rugs, and other similar spots.
- They can form habits - The longer your dog relies on potty pads, the longer it may take to get your dog used to going outside.
The good news is that when used properly and with the right additional tools, potty pads will bring more pros than cons to your training.
With a few simple tips, you can use potty pads to help your pup transition to being fully outdoor potty trained.
But first, here is a clip from our 30 Day Perfect Pup Course with Zak George on using potty pads during training.
Here are some puppy pad training tips:
- Use the right potty pad
- Be prepared for messes
- Teach the difference between the floor and the pad
- Follow a positive reinforcement progression
- When in doubt, ask for help
Let's look at each tip below. 👇
There typically aren’t major disparities between the different types of potty pads on the market, but you’ll want to make sure to choose one that has a high level of absorbency, neutralizes odors, and has a bottom layer that won’t leak. Check out some potty pads here.
🐕 Need some high quality potty pads? Shop & save here!
Accidents are going to happen. We’ll say it again: accidents ARE going to happen! It’s a natural part of potty training. Some tools to help you be prepared for messes:
- A black light to uncover hidden messes
- An enzymatic cleaner to remove odors and stains without harsh chemicals
- A carpet steamer
- Patience!!!
A key to success here is to teach your dog that the potty pad is something different than the floor, so they know exactly where they should be doing their business. Here’s how to help your puppy learn to use the potty pad:
- Contain your puppy to a small, easy-to-clean area like a bathroom, part of a kitchen, or laundry room
- Cover the entire floor area with potty pads
- Reward each time your pup goes to the bathroom on a pad
- Slowly over time remove potty pads one by one until there’s only one left
🐶 Need some potty training guidance? Sign up for the 100% free online video course, 30 Day Perfect Pup. Sign up here! 🐶
If you’ve been here a while, you know that we’re fans of positive reinforcement training. Using that framework for a progression can help wean your dog off the potty pad and into full potty training. Here’s how to do that:
- Bring your dog over to the potty pad frequently, especially after eating or drinking
- Use high-value training treats to reward every time your dog goes potty on the pad
- Over time, move the potty pad closer and closer to the door
- Eventually, move the potty pad outdoors
- Remove the potty pad and reward your dog for going potty outside
When using a progression like this, it’s important to have extra patience and move slowly. Give your dog opportunities for frequent wins by not moving to the next step too soon!
If you need a little extra help, more tips and tricks, or videos and resources related to potty training, check out our Potty Training Course.
It will cover why dogs have potty training issues, how to overcome them, how to handle accidents, and so much more. It’s led by certified dog trainer Traci Madson who has more than 20 years of experience helping dogs like yours!
🐕 Need some high quality potty pads? Shop & save here!

Nobody’s perfect (your dog probably is though), and that’s okay! Not every day will be full of only wins when it comes to potty training, and that’s okay too! What’s important is that you are consistent and try your best.
There are also a few key things to try to avoid that can make the potty training process smoother and more successful. ⬇️
Related Reading: 21 Dog Training Mistakes
We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: accidents are going to happen! And when they do, they are not your dog’s fault. Most often accidents happen because your dog is still learning to communicate their needs with you, so if too much time passes before you initiate the next potty session, they can’t tell you.
Getting mad, either through body language or a raised voice, only makes your dog unsettled and can damage the communication and trust you share. Since they are still learning what they’re supposed to be doing, they likely wouldn’t understand what they are being punished for anyway, so it may cause them to be timid.
Instead, take a deep breath (unless you’re in a stinky situation), clean up the mess, and try next time to take your dog to the potty area a little sooner. Eventually, accidents will become fewer and farther between, so hang in there!
Potty pads should be a stop along the potty training journey, not the destination. If you rely on them for too long, your dog will come to understand the potty pad as their primary potty destination, and may be less responsive to outdoor potty training at first.
Similarly, if you rely on them for when your dog is home alone, it will be more difficult to wean your dog off of them without them having an accident when they are home alone.
🐶 Need some potty training guidance? Sign up for the 100% free online video course, 30 Day Perfect Pup. Sign up here! 🐶
Making a schedule is the #1 rule of potty training! Especially when dealing with a young puppy, dogs need frequent bathroom trips -- scheduling them to happen at the same time each day will help your dog learn the routine and rules.
Here’s an example schedule:

Of course, you can adjust the schedule to work best for you and your dog, as long as it’s consistent!
Potty pads are meant to just be a step in the potty training journey, but they can definitely be an important step if used correctly.
Check out our extra thick and absorbent potty pads here!
🐕 Need some high quality potty pads? Shop & save here!
How are you and your pup working through potty training? Are potty pads a part of your journey? Tell us all about it in the comments below!
If you're needing extra help with potty training, be sure to sign up for the 100% free online course 30 Day Perfect Pup. Get started here!
Leave a CommentI am having a difficult time potty training my 7 month old Havanese. We are ready to put pee pads back inside our condo. We are using bells at the door which she will ding with her paw. Sometimes she has to go and sometimes she just wants to go outside. Right now it is mostly getting her not to poop inside. Always the same place. Sometimes it’s right after taking her outside. We hate to keep her in a crate all the time as she is so good other than with this. We live in a third floor condo so it is exhausting taking her on the grass only for her to not go. We have a pee pad on our balcony for early morning or before bed. She will only pee on it first thing in the morning and only for my husband and never poop there. I take her to the same spot when we are at home. She will pee on command most of the time and sometimes poop on command. Help!!! I am really frustrated.
Hi, it seems like you may want to start with the basics again. Check out our 30 Day Perfect Pup course for potty training help!
I have a 6 month old German shepherd who will pee outside but not poop outside. I started this as a puppy when we had a bad cold spell. My problem is when I keep her away from my room where the pads are and we continue to go outside throughout the day, she holds it till the end of the day and either goes it in her crate or if I open gate and not watching good enough she slips in room with the pads and goes. I guess I have to wait longer than she can hold it. When I get angry than she just does it more in the crate as well which makes it worse. She also eats her poop. Sometimes I think she thinks she is helping me when she does it. I work and have to do this around my schedule. Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you.
I got lucky in winter so I taught her to use the puppy pad, now it’s getting warmer I want to teach her to go outside. Not having luck with that at all