Can Dogs Eat Bananas? Is Banana Good for Dogs? + Treat Recipe | Pupford
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diet & nutrition + health & wellness + pup parenting
Part of being a good pup parent is knowing how to spoil your dog while still keeping them safe. And many pup parents wonder whether dogs can eat bananas or not! Note: We’ve got a few more articles like this if you’re wondering about other specific foods. See: Can Dogs Eat Salmon? Can Dogs Eat...
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Consistency in Dog Training and Making the Time | Pupford
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pup parenting + training
When we talk to our new pup parents to see how things are going with their new dog, a response we often get is “Great… but they’re not picking up behaviors in training as quickly as I thought they would.” To which we follow up “well, how consistent is training?” because that’s usually where we...
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Decoding Dog Behaviors: Why Does My Dog Act This Way? An Interview with Nick Franco | Pupford
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Sometimes we watch our dogs do certain things and are left wondering... why in the world are they doing that?! The best part is, as we strive to better understand why our dogs do certain things we can better understand how to stop those unwanted behaviors. Although you don't need a degree in dog psychology,...
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Puppy Feeding Schedule by Age, Chart + 11 Feeding Tips | Pupford
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diet & nutrition + health & wellness + new puppy & dog
Establishing a puppy feeding schedule will benefit you and your new pet for months and years to come. Not only will it help you keep on track with how much and how often they are eating, but it can even help avoid picky eating and other potential problem behaviors. Specifically, how much you need to...
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Pet Insurance 101 Guide: How to Choose Pet Insurance | Pupford
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health & wellness + product reviews & recommendations + pup parenting
What do you think Alexandra, a fellow dog lover, is talking about here? “Twice she's needed unexpected surgery, and another time we had to rush to an emergency clinic. I had so much peace of mind knowing that cost wouldn't be a deciding factor in her treatment. I could do whatever was required.” You guessed...
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Puppy & Dog Play Dates: A Simple Guide | Pupford
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new puppy & dog + pup parenting
Ahh, puppy play dates. One of the most fun (and exciting) parts of being a pup parent. By now, you’ve introduced your new dog to all the humans in your life, but what about the four-legged friends? New puppy (or even older dog) parents are often unsure of how to navigate puppy & dog play...
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New Puppy Checklist: 21 Items Your Dog Absolutely Needs | Pupford
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new puppy & dog + pup parenting
There isn't much better than a new puppy. Their paws, little bodies, nose, ugh, love it all. But a new puppy is also a lot of work, and there is a lot you need to make sure your new dog is comfortable in your home. So, here is a printable new puppy checklist of the...
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Puppy Socialization: Checklist Printable PDF, Socialization Windows & Tips | Pupford
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behavior + new puppy & dog
Puppy socialization is one of the most important (and underestimated) parts of raising a dog. Getting your puppy's socialization right (or wrong) can make or break so many important behaviors for the rest of their life. Some of the most common questions for first-time puppy parents are when you should begin socializing your pup, who to...
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When to Start Joint Supplements for Dogs | Pupford
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diet & nutrition + health & wellness + product reviews & recommendations
So, when should you start joint supplements for your dog? What's the best age to start giving supplements supplement? The short answer: Probably now. Wait... so even if my dog isn't old and has aching joints they should be taking joint supplements? YES. Here's what we've found about the best time to give your dog...
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What's Your Doggie IQ Quiz | Pupford
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Our dog experts have spent hours searching around every dog park, vet office, and even that secret cupboard you hide your pup treats in to develop the ULTIMATE doggie IQ quiz. These questions will test your dog lovin' brain with facts about certain breeds, the quirks of dogs, and the influence these furry guys have on people. Come and...
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