Freeze-Dried Chicken Heart are the Perfect Reward

How to use Freeze-Dried Chicken Heart
- Prepare and Store: Keep a pouch of freeze-dried chicken hearts readily accessible for training sessions or spontaneous rewards.
- Positive Reinforcement: Whenever your dog exhibits desired behaviors such as sitting, staying, or coming when called, promptly offer them a few pieces of freeze-dried chicken hearts.
- Timing is Crucial: Give the treat immediately after the desired behavior to reinforce it positively and strengthen the association.
- Consistency is Key: Be consistent in rewarding good behavior with freeze-dried chicken hearts and combine it with verbal praise or affection.
- Variety in Rewards: Mix up the types of behaviors you reward to keep training engaging and motivating for your dog.
- Healthy Snacking: Besides training, offer freeze-dried chicken hearts as a nutritious snack throughout the day to show appreciation and love.

Benefits of Freeze-Dried Chicken Hearts

These treats are sourced and made in the United States of America.
It will depend on your dog's weight, but most dogs can have a few each day.
Suggested Training
Teach Your Dog to Taste in this Impulse Control Taste Course