Walking Dogs in Cold Weather, Winter & Snow: 7 Tips | Pupford Skip to content

Walking Dogs in Cold Weather, Winter & Snow: 7 Tips | Pupford

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Walking Dogs in Cold Weather, Winter & Snow: 7 Tips | Pupford

Did you say go for a walk?!

Sure, let’s go! Just have to grab the leash, and a jacket, and a hat, probably a pair of gloves too…

It’s true; walking dogs in cold weather is not as simple as when the weather is, well... not winter. However, it’s still important that our dogs get exercise in the winter -- and let’s face it, nature calls no matter the weather, even in snow.

So, we’re here to share some helpful tips for walking dogs in winter and cold weather.

Check out our table of contents:

  • Walking (even) In a Winter Wonderland
  • Tips for Walking In Winter
  • When Is It Too Cold to Walk Your Dog?
  • Alternatives to Outdoor Walking


two-dogs-walking-in-snow | Pupford

As is the case with your two-legged family members, your dog has needs that need to be met every day.

Aside from survival needs like food, water, and a good environment to do their doggy business, your dog also needs love, quality time, training, and exercise.

Your dog’s daily walk is a key tool for meeting a lot of those needs, especially for training and exercise. Many common behavioral issues arise from dogs not having enough mental and physical stimulation throughout the day -- daily walks are just the trick to turn that around.

Walks are also a great opportunity for training. Dogs can work on skills like listening to directional cues and learning to not pull on the leash. If that’s something you’re working on with your pup, Pupford Academy's Leash Walking Course will come in handy for you.

Bonus content: Keep your pup well-behaved on their leash and beyond (while having fun!) with these 21 Impulse Control Games!

That’s why it’s so important not to let walks fall by the wayside during the winter and cold weather.

Yes, the decreased daylight and dipping temperatures can make your daily stroll a little less enjoyable for you, but it’s still important for your dog’s health and happiness.

Just as there are precautions to take during hot summer months, there are certain things you have to keep in mind when walking your dog during winter.

❄️ Don't leave your dog's paws unprotected, shop Butter Up Paw Balm here! 🐶


brown-dog-in-the-snow | Pupford

You already know the basic steps to take for yourself as you head out into the cold: zip up your heavy coat, put on a hat, slip on your gloves, etc. Staying warm is your top priority for yourself -- is it for your dog, too?

Yes, your dog has a built-in fur coat that provides protection during a winter walk and time outside in the yard. However, the winter weather can be brutal and can even put your dog in danger, especially depending on your dog's breed.

Small dogs and older dogs aren't usually as good at regulating their body temperature. This is especially true for cold and freezing temperatures! So, keep your dog's breed in mind with all these tips.

To keep your dog happy and safe during cold winter walks, keep these tips in mind:

  1. Avoid having your dog outdoors for long periods of time, especially if the temperature is near or below freezing. Try to break outdoor time into segments shorter than 30 minutes when possible.
  2. Walk your dog during the warmest parts of the day if possible, mainly in the late morning or early afternoon.
  3. Make sure your dog is completely dry from bathing or grooming before taking them outside in the cold, especially their paws.
  4. Dress them in a sweater or coat, especially for short-hair dogs.
  5. Use dog boots, balms/butters, or waxes for a protective layer on paws.
  6. Make sure your yard and walkways are cleared of ice to keep dogs from slipping or getting cut -- just make sure you use pup-friendly ice melt.
  7. Provide water for drinking, even if your dog doesn't seem hot

The biggest tip we can give here is to trust your dog. Some breeds are designed to thrive in the snow and cold temperatures and really enjoy rolling around in a ball of white fluff. If that’s your dog, let them enjoy it!

Other dogs, often dogs with a thin coat, aren’t so thrilled by the cold. If your dog is displaying unsettled body language or doesn’t want to spend a second longer than it takes to do their business outside, maybe long walks in the cold aren’t for them.

Related Reading: Can Dogs Get Colds?


dog-outside-in-the-cold | Pupford

According to the American Veterinary Medical Association, your dog’s cold tolerance can vary depending on their coat type, body fat, paw health, activity level, breed, and overall health.

After all, some dogs were bred for outdoor work in all conditions, like the Siberian Husky, while others are meant more for... companionship (which is still as noble as any other doggy job!).

chart showing how cold is too cold for a walk with your dog | Pupford

In general, larger and longer-haired dogs tend to have a better tolerance for the cold, while shorter-haired and small breeds don’t. However, each individual dog is different, so be careful about making generalizations.

The important thing to keep in mind when walking your dog in the cold winter is understanding their limits, especially with senior dogs. It’s time to bring your dog inside and limit time spent outdoors if you notice any of the following:

  • Fur and skin that is cold to the touch
  • Difficulty breathing or walking
  • Shivering and trembling followed by no shivering
  • Seeming weak, dazed, or unresponsive to stimuli

Read more about winter safety and the signs & symptoms of hypothermia in dogs here!

❄️ Don't leave your dog's paws unprotected, shop Butter Up Paw Balm here! 🐶


dog-walking-in-the-winter | Pupford

If the weather is in the single digits or there’s a snowstorm outside, long walks likely won't be possible. It’s important to make sure your dog is getting their dose of daily physical and mental stimulation though, to keep them happy and healthy.

The winter is a great time to introduce indoor exercise methods through toys, games and learning new skills. It’s a great way to exercise your pup’s body and brain without having to spend time in the cold.

Here are a few alternatives to outdoor walking:

Check out this article for more on how to exercise your dog indoors -- there are 21 ideas, so you’re sure to find something that’s suitable for you and your pup!


The cold winter weather can certainly change your dog’s walking routine -- but that doesn’t have to be a bad thing.

You can use this time of year to sport some of the latest winter fashion for your pup, or even learn some fun new indoor games.

Or, you can supplement any chilly outdoor time with lots of warm snuggling and belly rubs… no, our dogs did not tell us to write that ;)

How do you handle the cold weather with your dog? Tell us in the comments below!

And no matter how long your winter walks end up being, be sure to protect your dog's paws with Butter Up! It's an all-natural balm made in the USA that will protect your dog's paws from the harsh winter elements!

Get the highly-rated Butter Up here!

❄️ Don't leave your dog's paws unprotected, shop Butter Up Paw Balm here! 🐶


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Wow, I hadn’t thought about any of this! I have just been putting dry kibble in. Will definitely try mashed potato & yogurt etc as he is teething at the moment. 🤣 I may have to buy a 2nd Kong one to use & one to freeze! 🐕‍🦺🐾

Mike Steele01/26/2025

Thanks, Bethanie! Ahhhhh hate missing edits like that haha – That has been updated 🙂


I like the article…looks like there’s a section that you didn’t mean to leave in the final version–a paragraph starting and ending with $$$. Just a heads up.


I’ve walked my two fur butts (both Labs) in -50 celsius windchill weather (I live in eastern Canada). I have a cowl to cover their ears and booties for those super cold days. When it’s that cold our normal hikes are definitely shortened to no more than 30 minutes. I guess the point being is you can still get your dogs out for a walk in the freezing cold as long as you keep moving and make it short!


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