Dog Whining: Why It Happens & How to Stop It | Pupford
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As dog parents, we want to make sure we’re doing everything we can to take care of our pups -- and part of that means reacting when something appears to be wrong. But it can be frustrating to hear your dog whining as if something were wrong, only to find they just want attention or to be near you.
In fact, how to deal with a dog’s whining is one of the most common questions we get from new dog parents in our group.
So if your dog has a tendency to whine when you’re not giving them attention and you’re wondering what you can do about it, we’ve got you covered!
Today we’re going to be talking about ⤵️
- Reasons why your dog might be whining
- Dogs whining at night
- Other attention-seeking behaviors
- How to stop dog whining
Before we get started, we want to know a little bit more about your pup’s situation (it helps us make better content for the future), so take a second to fill out this 3-question survey ⬇️
Thanks for telling us a little more about your dog’s whining -- never thought you’d hear that huh?
If you want to provide more details, feel free to tell us in the comments. You might find other pup parents in a similar situation!
Now, let's get right to the full dog whining article ⏬

The first question you should ask yourself shouldn’t necessarily be “how do I stop my dog from whining?” but rather “why does my dog whine?”
Understanding why your dog does a certain behavior is so important in helping them change it.
Let’s take a closer look at the science behind dogs whining.
Dogs have a few different ways of communicating with us, one of which being whining. They will often whine when there’s an immediate need that needs to be addressed or when they’re feeling a strong emotion.
Here are some of the common reasons why dogs whine 👇
If a dog or person is making your dog feel stressed or afraid, they may whine in combination with a submissive posture (tail between legs, head down, etc.).
Sometimes whining can be an appeasement signal, which is simply them trying to show you they are not a threat.
Related Reading: Appeasement Behavior in Dogs
Dogs might whine if they’re especially excited to see a person or another dog.
This type of whine is typically shorter and is accompanied by lightspeed tail wags!
Dogs will whine when they want a desired object or attention -- and if you give in once, it will continue.
This one is quite self-explanatory... but think of this type of whining as what a child does when they aren't allowed to have ice cream.
Additionally, if your dog is whining because they are bored, you probably need to give more physical and mental exercise.

Whining can be a response to pain.
If you notice your dog whining when being touched, or suddenly upon movement, or whining excessively without stopping, it’s best to see your veterinarian as soon as possible to rule out any serious conditions.
Related Reading: 10 Signs a Dog Is In Pain
Whining is a response to stress, and you leaving your dog can be really stressful if they suffer from separation anxiety. If you notice the whining and crying happens most when you’re not in the room and is often accompanied by destructive behavior, having accidents, and pacing, separation anxiety is likely the culprit.

Sometimes being a new dog parent can come with just as many sleepless nights as being a human parent.
If you find your dog whining or crying more at night when you go to bed and they’re in their crate, you’re not alone -- this is extremely common.
More often than not, separation anxiety is to blame. Your pup can’t see you -- or anything for that matter -- for an extended period of time which will likely stress them out.
Just be careful in this situation.
Giving in “just one time” and bringing them to sleep with you can make separation anxiety issues worse.
Another good way to figure out what’s causing your dog’s whining is to see what other behaviors go along with it.
Here are some behaviors to look out for ⤵️
- Pawing at something: They likely want something that’s out of reach.
- Cowering, submissive poses: They’re feeling threatened by someone or something around them.
- Whimpering when moving or being touched: They might be in physical pain (its’ always best to call the vet when you suspect pain or illness!).
- Destructive behavior: They are experiencing separation anxiety or are not getting enough physical and mental exercise. You can read more about destructive behavior in dogs in this article.
More often than not it’s separation anxiety that’s what’s causing your pup to whine, but this little checklist above can help you narrow it down.

Now that you know the likely causes of your dog’s tendency to whine, let’s talk about the things you can do to get them to stop.
A lot of it has to do with giving your dog enough stimulation and exercise and training them to control their impulses.
The result will be a happier, calmer, less anxious pup -- and that means less whining!
Here are some things you can try with your pup to ease anxiety and get whining impulses under control ⤵️

Since whining is often an emotional impulse, teaching your pup to have control over their impulses can help them control their whining.
This collection of 21 Impulse Control Games can teach your dog to be calm and focused no matter their emotions.
Did you know you can train your dog to be happy when home alone? This will help them tackle that separation anxiety in no time.
For guidance, check out our Separation Anxiety Course, part of Pupford Academy.
The basic idea is to slowly and gradually teach your dog proper 'left alone' behavior. Baby steps!
Related Reading: How Long Can You Leave a Dog Alone?
Keeping your dog engaged will keep them busy and happy while giving them simultaneous fun and mental exercise.
Getting the proper amount of stimulation is key for a variety of behavior problems, including excessive whining.
Two effective engagement toys are snuffle mats and lick mats.
Learn more about snuffle mats here.
Also, learn more about lick mats here.
If every time your dog whines out of boredom or attention-seeking you give them attention... game over!
In many situations, ignoring the behavior will help it extinguish itself over time. The key here is consistency.
If you're going to ignore attention-seeking-whining, then you have to ignore it EVERY single time.
Related Reading: 7 Signs Your Dog is Feeling Neglected

Let's face it, a whining dog can be frustrating at times.
But now, you should have some tools to help overcome your dog's whining and teach them proper alternative behaviors!
Here's a quick recap of some things you can do to stop your dog's whining:
- Provide mental exercise
- Teach impulse control
- Sometimes, ignoring is the answer
- Training your dog to learn to be left alone
Have you tried any of these tips to tackle your pup’s whining? Have any other tried and true methods that have helped you navigate dog parenthood without sleepless nights?
We’d love to hear all about it in the comments below!
PLUS, don't forget to get yourself a Lick Mat.
Leave a CommentI have the same problem. My6 mold pup wants to play with my 2 yr old cat and she won’t have anything to do with him. She hisses every time he looks at her but she is curious about him when he is sleeping in the crate. I’m sure eventually they will be ok.
Hi , I have 2 cats and they are not very impressed we have brought a dog in. My puppy is so desperate to just say hi and he whines when he sees them. He is getting better though slowly. However is whining at a cat something to be concerned about or is it just cause he wants to be able to come close to them?
Love your articles.
We have a 12 week old puppy (got at 8 weeks old) and 2 older cats. the one cat is very curious and our puppy Jayda really wants to play with him. Thru the ex pen wires and with me having her on a leash out of the pen, they have sniffed noses multiple times and the puppy lets the cat bat her face a lot with its pows. I am hoping eventually it will just be all normal…. and no drama. Puppy sometimes barks so she needs to learn more self control when the cats are around or they will never let her near.
My pup wouldn’t eat peanut butter either. However, I was sent dog butter in his pup box – which he loved! Now I make a similar butter for him. It includes peanut butter, coconut oil, honey and ground flax seed. He loves this even more!! Perhaps experiment with your peanut butter and see if you can adjust it to his liking. :-)
So my Muffy has both a lick pad and a snuggle mat, neither of which she uses. Does not care for peanut butter and can’t keep putting cream cheese out. She wines most just cause I leave her. She follows me every where. Now what??? Any suggestions