Puppy Teething: Ages, When It Stops & Starts, & What to Do | Pupford
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Something we’ve gotten a ton of questions about lately is puppy teething -- the nipping, biting, chewing, and everything else that goes into it. So, we thought we’d put together a guide to help dog parents navigate the challenging puppy teething phase.
Here are some things we’ll cover in this guide:
- When do puppies usually start and stop teething?
- What are the symptoms of puppy teething?
- What can you do to help your puppy’s teething pain?
- What can you do about nipping and biting?
- How can you best care for your dog’s teeth?
Before we get into the details, let’s pause and take a quick poll.
Whether your pup is in the midst of teething or not there yet, this guide will help you better see the signs of teething and manage the behaviors that go along with it.
So, let’s get right into it! 👇
Related Reading: Why Do Dogs' Front Teeth Get Worn Down?

If you know when to expect your puppy to start teething, you can be better prepared to help them through it.
Most puppies experience teething between 12 and 16 weeks, but here's a full teething timeline below. And, of course, each puppy and dog breed is different.
- 2-4 weeks: baby teeth start coming in
- 5-6 weeks: all baby teeth should be in
- 12-16 weeks: teething begins; baby teeth fall out and adult teeth emerge
- 24-30 weeks: by around this time, all puppy teeth should have fallen out and be replaced with adult teeth. This is generally when your puppy will stop teething and the associated behaviors.
Remember, every dog is different, so it’s possible your pup will deviate from this timeline a little. But if you notice they’re way off from this, like if they still have multiple baby teeth intact well after 6 months of age, you should check with your vet.
So, as a recap, most puppies start teething around 12 to 16 weeks.
Most puppies stop teething around 24-30 weeks.
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Real quick – here's a fun 1-question quiz below 👇
Unfortunately, teething isn’t exactly a comfortable experience for your dog.
You’ll notice some changes in your pup’s appearance and behavior that could indicate teething. Here are some common signs and symptoms of puppy teething:
- Red, irritated gums
- Drooling
- Increased chewing
- Blood on toys after chewing
While these symptoms are uncomfortable, they’re normal. Unless you’re noticing anything super abnormal or your dog seems to be in extreme pain, there’s no need to worry. Remember to be patient with your dog during the teething process.
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While teething is uncomfortable for your puppy, the good news is that there are things you can do to help.
The increased chewing your puppy is doing is relieving their pain -- so it’s important that you don’t completely discourage it but rather give your dog productive chewing outlets.
Here are some tried-and-true ways to relieve teething pain and spare your favorite shoes, socks, or furniture:
Related Reading: Why Does My Dog Steal My Socks?
Giving your dog a “pupsicle” will soothe pain and inflammation associated with teething, provide a yummy treat, and keep your pup occupied. Just be sure all ingredients are dog-friendly, of course.
This carrot apple pupsicle recipe is a favorite among the Pupford community. Check out more puppy popsicle recipes here.
Like we said before, chewing is an important part of teething -- you just have to make sure they have a positive outlet for doing so.
Enter – dog chews.
Giving them a tasty dog chew will not only help them relieve their pain but will redirect their chewing away from your furniture and household items. If their mouth is occupied by a healthy chew, they won't resort to nipping your legs and hands.
Here’s a guide to help you choose the best chew for your dog.
🐶 Don't miss out! Sign up for a 100% free online dog training course, 30 Day Perfect Pup with Zak George. Get access to videos & daily tips covering biting, leash walking, potty training and more! Sign up for free here! 🐶
There are toys designed specifically for dogs to chew on during teething. They are tough enough to withstand hard chewing but are soft enough not to damage teeth.
Kong makes a great line of puppy teething toys, including this teething stick. Teething toys can be a true lifesaver during the teething stage!

While chewing is a natural behavior for your dog, nipping and biting is a little different. If your puppy is nipping at your ankles or biting during playtime, that’s normal, but it’s a behavior you want to address as your dog grows out of the puppy stage. Addressing puppy biting is a vital part of the dog training experience.
Here are some things you can do for puppy nipping and biting:
- Puppy proof your home. While the goal here is to correct the biting behavior, puppy-proofing your home can stop your dog from being tempted to chew unwanted items -- plus it will limit the damage of training slip-ups. Here are 21 puppy proofing tips!
- Make sure your puppy gets enough exercise. We’ve said this before and we’ll say it again -- most canine behavioral problems stem from a lack of physical and mental exercise. For most dogs, about 30 minutes per day of exercise is sufficient for preventing pent-up energy from causing your puppy to bite and nip.
- Training sessions. When your pup starts to bite or chew, grab some high-value treats, and redirect them into a training session. Teaching behaviors like “stay” and “leave it” will help strengthen impulse control and redirect biting urges. Read all about how to stop puppy biting here.
- Keep plenty of positive alternatives on hand. Like we discussed before, redirecting your dog’s chewing/biting to something positive like a tasty dog chew will prevent it from becoming a destructive behavior.
- Enroll in the 30 Day Perfect Pup with Zak George class to address biting and a number of other behaviors in a positive-reinforcement style training class. (PS- You can also download the free Pupford App!)
Again, let us reiterate... you should not expect puppy biting to stop completely or overnight. Rather, you should focus on reducing the behavior and teaching proper chewing behavior.
Expecting a puppy to never bite is like expecting an infant to never cry!!
🐶 Don't miss out! Sign up for a 100% free online dog training course, 30 Day Perfect Pup with Zak George. Get access to videos & daily tips covering biting, leash walking, potty training and more! Sign up for free here! 🐶

Now that you and your dog have gone through all that work to get those adult teeth, it’s important to take care of them!
Do you brush your own teeth daily? Well guess what -- the same should go for your dog!
Once your dog has all of their adult teeth and is no longer feeling discomfort (you don’t want them associating teeth brushing with pain!), you should be thoroughly brushing their teeth daily.
When they are still teething, you can get them used to the toothbrush without causing discomfort by lightly touching their teeth with the toothbrush and getting them used to the taste of dog toothpaste.
But let’s be real, not all dogs are willing to put up with toothbrushes. If your dog runs and hides at the site of it, there are other things you can do to supplement your dog’s dental care routine:
- Dog dental wipes
- Bones
- Food supplements
- Chews
- Sprays and gels
- Coconut oil
- Chew toys
- Dental treats
- Water additives
- Dental toys
- Healthy fruits, vegetables, and treats
For details and recommended products, check out this in-depth article about dog teeth.

So there you have it, your guide to puppy teething. Puppy teething usually happens from about 12-16 weeks until about 24-30 weeks old.
Remember, the main goal with puppy teething is to try and make your puppy as comfortable as possible. Focus on teaching proper chewing behavior, using frozen treats and even teething toys.
When it comes to stopping puppy biting and chewing... you can't. You should be looking to reduce it because biting is normal!!
Be sure to give them some tasty chews to redirect that problem biting and chewing. Check out our full line of dog chews here.
If you have any other questions about this topic, be sure to leave them in the comments below so we can answer them!
🐶 Don't miss out! Sign up for a 100% free online dog training course, 30 Day Perfect Pup with Zak George. Get access to videos & daily tips covering biting, leash walking, potty training and more! Sign up for free here! 🐶
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This is very helpful with our Golden!!
We as 78 year olds after many application during this year found a 4 month old blk lab mix..dont ever remember any of our puppies bitting and the what they call Zoomies or energy sperts..having to watch him 24 7 ..he has mostly stopped biting and injuring me but is still nipping the other 3 in the family..this nipping is normal but sometimes over welling..are aware of all the tech. But even with that but knowing is normal is helpful.
Our shitzo is very loving but every day she will go through a series of terrorizing us. Running in circles and growling. Then once she stood she is back to normal. Why?
Same here with our 13 week old mini Aussie. I seem to be the object of her aggressive biting.